neptune 68 deluxe...

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2009
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I finally bit the bullet and as promised to a few people at ninove last year...i have a bus!

What have i bought then...well its a 68 neptune blue microbus which although in places abt an inch thick in filler is very solid.It took a while to arrive after sitting at docks in san diego for way too long but was well worth the wait!

on arrival being inspected by my leader






So its been here for a few wks now and ive been lazy by not taking any pictures..

So far ive...

Tcutted and wazed body-its now shiney again!
greased door
stripped down indicator stalk that needs changing
cleaned the dirty dashboard
and hit the engine bay hard,basically using a tooth brush!

it needs just a battery tray,electrics investigated,mech overhaul and an engine...time is more of an issue as my deadline is stanford hall in july!

will add more pictures of engine bay over weekend and more detailed thread

uuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm 68 (drooling smiley)nice patina front panel ,bit of slamage?happening.just clean out the mouse nests and use 8)
Looks like a nice and solid base. Cool bondo patina on the nose.

Looks like Brilliant blue to me not Neptune. Check your m plate.

What's the plan?

to answer a few questions...

im pretty sure its neptune blue,dont let the faded shots deceive you...after tcut the shade deepened quite a lot!will try and take some after prep pics tommorow

there will be subtle slamming and narrowing ahead,rims are hiding in my loft

i have a 1600 twinport with nos bosch goodies plus 34 icts and a vintage speed exhaust to make it plod along

ive bgt a ladybra for the front as it needs protection!

Oh very nice, sounds like you have a lot of the gear already. Should be a beaut when done
Nice one Si , Best of luck with that deadline , if you make it ill give you a Witkap at Stanford !!
bit of an update although not necessary in any order!

as i said before,the paintwork was very flat when it arrived so after a few coats of tcuts and a layer of collinite the results speak for themselves!



modded and added the decal....


as a couple of you know ive developed a bit of ocd with regards to the engine bay,i didnt take a before pic but may find one which was sent to me from states.the underside was covered in foam and nicley glued which has taken an age and resulted in my finger nails being very sore!this then got out of hand when i removed the petrol tank and anything else that would come out.after abt 3 pots of tcut and engine degreaser the shine is sweet!

im happy with the results although my ocd will get the better of me at somepoint!




been playing with the electrics for a bit today after collecting a new stalk from kk,they are in a bit of a mess... :evil:

no pics but ive been semi busy this week

indicator stalk is semi there,the cables from the stalk i got from kk dont properly match so just need to sit down 4 5 mins with an empty head to figure that out.

front seat has been out and now moves freely!

broken radio is now removed

frustrated by headlights and indicators

fuel tank is back in

ordered keys so i can lock doors... :msn4:

spent a lot on parts(brakes etc)

picked up the narrowed wagenwest beam

goes into kustomdubwerks on sunday so hopefully tim will be able to sort a few jobs in the next week or so
Bus looks very nice - good work on the polishing! :D Engine bay is perfect 8)

Good luck with progress :)
warning-no pics as the cameras gone tits up!

progress has ramped up since last update,stanford is but fantasy i think but shouldnt be too long

engine is 95pc complete now,twin carbs/dizzy/coil are all fitted and just needs a service before fitting
beam is on,after finding out that it was late bay fitment( :oops: )we had to redrill holes!its a bit squeaky at the moment so will pbly have to come out and be regreased...
brakes are all in
horseshoe plates are fitted,usual fiddles
new door cards have been ordered
rnr bed needs fitting
electrics all tested(i make it sound like it was a 5min job!),just an issue with headlight switch to sort
underside wax oil removed and blister from blowtorch healing nicely
fitted visors
got a fantastic ratty front badge

im sure ive done lots of other bits but my head is a muddle,semi frustrated with it at mo but i just want to be driving it!

pics to follow

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