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@Marvel Indeed it is from 'boro. I bought it blind and got an absolute gem from a lovely couple. @lard Give it a few months on the gallery as we want to refresh the interior :)
Well you guys,,,,,,,,, Calgonis and Gands,,, excellent names and even better busses, what can I say about those two apart from,,,I`d better start saving up for some of that paint stuff ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Sherbie would never wear it !! (Sherbie`s my bus) :lol: :roll: :lol:
Well now, greetings from across the pond. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. That is if anyone really cares. As I am a bit of a Ludite and am still learning internet protical. My name is Todd B and my handle is Charlie Bubbles. I am 55 and have been driving an A C vw of some sort since 1975. I no longer have any VWs other than the 4- 1971 busses. It is the only bus I have ever owned. 1971 that is. I am lucky to live in Ca. where busses are dry for the most part and I have never had to do too much rust repair. Battery trays and that sort of thing.
I have a bus for every occasion. The first in the fleet is a Deluxe. sporting 80% original paint and a little leprosy. The interior is original except for the seat covers and pedastal mats. I am running a CB performance-Pat Downes built 2006 cc stroker in it with some nice goodies in the engine compartment. And a freeway flyer trans. I D D this for a few years and now take it out on date nite and for a cruise here and there and a show. Its not a prize winner but I think must origianl paint cars are misunderstood.
The #2 bus is a customized interior Wesfalia. It had mice living in it when I found it. Stock with dual Kads and reliable and good from far and far from good. It has had a colorful life before me and a ton of miles and it still is a one key bus. I did 10000 mile trip around the country 2 years ago." onclick=";return false;. Its been a whlie since I updated that . Its my camper and cruiser. I did win longest distance traveled at Eureka Springs Ar. show. I got a best wave search vehicle at a local show. Shes ugly, but mine.
The #3 bus is another westy that has just had the **** beat out of the body. It has some of the strangest rust I have ever seen. Needless to say it leaked inside for quite a while and nackered the interior . The student I bought the bus from said his Dad proposed to his Mom in the bus. It was cared for at that point in its life but it is hammerd now. So I use this bus for bombing down the sand in Pismo Beach Ca. It helps me keep the crowds small when I surf.
The#4 bus is a deluxe that I bought and it is still in my workshop. I haven`t driven it since I bought it cause it needs some love. One day soon.
I hope it was not too long winded. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from anyone about what ever. Especially 71 busses. Cheers Todd B. aka Charlie Bubbles.
Hey charlie LOVE the crowd control technique to hide what im guessing is your nkt so hot surfing??? :lol:

I need to try that, its a sad day when your three yr old lad looks you in the eye and in the nicest way possible tells you mammy said you are a rubbish surfer,,,,,, daddy what does **** mean?,,,,, mammy said that to aunty blah :shock:
Nice to see loads of new peeps with grand buses and quality garages! 8)
Hello to the forum but been Dubbin a while

I put some pictures in the Gallery section under 1970 devon

Heres one of me and the bus in spain a few month back

no doubt I shall be asking all you guru's on here a few questions undet the technical section at some point :lol:

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