Non earlybay help needed, sorry.

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2012
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Sheppey, kent
Apologies in advance for this, I know some don't like non earlybay related posts but many of you have a vast knowledge of cars, mechanics in general so maybe you can help me?
I've recently bought an Audi a3 2l turbo diesel, today I was out and decided to floor it a bit, it pulled lovely up to about 85-90mph then just lost power, it seemed as though the turbo had gone or the car had gone into limp home mode as it was still driving but not accelerating well.
After I'd stopped off somewhere then got back in the car it pulled lovely again, so I gave it another kicking and the problem didn't occur, the car is still under warranty but if anyone has any idea what it could be I'd appreciate your suggestions as I don't want the garage to just change the MAF sensor and send me on my way, I've got a feeling it's something more than that, and if like to address the problem before the warrant runs out.

Cheers in advance , Brett.
Could it be an EGR Valve fault? A friend had a Seat Leon TDI a few years ago that had a similar sounding issue.
My wife's 2004 passat 1.9tdi does that sometimes, I've just had a turbo breather pipe type thing replaced underneath.

The pipe was £101 from VW :shock: , my mate put it on for £20.

Seems to have done the trick for now!??
I've heard of a few things that it could be, MAF sensor, knackered turbo, clogged/dirty turbo, actuator etc , obviously the garage are going to try the cheapest fix first, it's almost certain that when I take the car in to be checked the fault won't show up! Where would I stand with the warranty? If I've highlighted the issue and they try a cheap fix then the fault doesn't reoccur until after the warranty finishes do you think they should still repair the fault?
I had the same on my golf 2.0TDI(same engine as audi A3 I think). Cleaned the EGR & MAFF sensor & it went away. Might happen once in a blue moon now. A VW mechanic told me It's to do with excess carbon building up and causing components to overheat. So the engine goes into limp home mode to protect itself.


If you've got a variable vain turbo the same as on the golf then that could be clogged or have a chipped vain. Is there any excessive turbo whistle?
If it's under warranty still, I'd go back and get it checked. If your turbo goes & shrapnel flies back in the engine, then it's gonna cost as there'll be plenty of damage.
gman4175 said:
I had the same on my golf 2.0TDI(same engine as audi A3 I think). Cleaned the EGR & MAFF sensor & it went away. Might happen once in a blue moon now. A VW mechanic told me It's to do with excess carbon building up and causing components to overheat. So the engine goes into limp home mode to protect itself.


If you've got a variable vain turbo the same as on the golf then that could be clogged or have a chipped vain. Is there any excessive turbo whistle?
If it's under warranty still, I'd go back and get it checked. If your turbo goes & shrapnel flies back in the engine, then it's gonna cost as there'll be plenty of damage.

I actually noticed today that the was a lot of turbo noise ,reminded me of my old series one RS 8) , although I'm sure these newer cars shouldn't have excessive 'whistling' . I did notice last week that there was a small bit of oily residue around the turbo hose though, il check this in the morning to see if its any worse, it's already booked in to be looked at but I want to be sure that I suggest a few things to check over (that way if the problem reoccurs and I've mentioned what it is than I can say 'I told you so')
My old Golf used to go into limp mode, I used to restart it going along to re set it ... eventually realised I had a rear light bulb out that was causing it. Honest!
jonboylaw said:
When was the fuel filter last changed ?

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It was fully serviced by the garage (Canterbury motoring world) last week, so I would hope it was done then.
Can't help with mechanics, but if you want your money back (you say you recently bought it) or want to enforce the warranty and need some consumer/contrac/legal advice - PM me. :D

Lordain Volley said:
Can't help with mechanics, but if you want your money back (you say you recently bought it) or want to enforce the warranty and need some consumer/contrac/legal advice - PM me. :D


Cheers mate, hopefully it won't come to that.
Turbo not gone, you'd know if it had trust me!!

The lack of a warning light is odd... I was going to say it could be going into limp mode due to the DPF being 'unclean' these regenerate on a long run, if the car gets used only for short runs they get blocked up...

Best way to clean it? Go for a long drive....!
Get yourself one of these dude.. Good to have in your arsenal at anytime" onclick=";return false;