oil coming out of the dipstick?

Early Bay Forum

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Totally agree with all the comments above, the bolt in the pre-heat tube is where someone has drilled to clean it out and unblock which they do over time - it stops your carb from freezing, but sticking that bolt in may restrict the flow if it has not been cut to the thickness of the wall probably best to make sure it's unblocked and get it welded up. Nothing to do with the oil leak mind just another of many jobs to check out.

Ooh listen to me it almost sounds like i know what I'm talking about.
pilipala said:
i live in south wales, approx 18 miles from cardiff, just before rhondda valleys cf30 8rf...even help like someone goning through it with me to make a list of the most important items to the least and some tips

thanks A5H i have one and am buying the How to keep your volkswagon alive book now from your link..Cheers

Clem there is a breather under the blue tape, another thing i got told to do by a know it all type of person...cheers

I`m in Ross on Wye for this little show for the weekend, the hang about or whatever they have called it. If you can get over there for a day either Sat or Sun then give me a tinkle 07723 069937, I`ll introduce you to a couple of peeps that know their onions but not too far from you. I don`t like saying it but it don`t sound too good, the advise you seem to be getting, it sounds like like people that have heard about these busses from other experts who know someone down the pub who lives near someone whos dad used to know a mate that had one, if you get my drift. Give me a bell anyhow because this is a bit silly what you are being told ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, I will forget before you ring,, so remind me :mrgreen:
thanks guys awsome advise, i have dissowened the so called car advisers and you are all on my christmas card list..

i have wrote on my to do board all the above and will be on it first thing in the morning..

unfortunatly, and i know this is going to rub a few of you up the wrong way but this is my only vehicle and i have to transport my tools back an foe my jobs but they are only half a mile way and i have to earn money to re right the wrongs on my ray of sun shine(my bus)

Thank you x
I haven't come across anyone on this board who I think "it'd rub up the wrong way".

They're far more likely to give advice as to what to do to minimise any potential damage than to criticise.

little up date , i removed the blue tape off the side of the oil filler and it has stopped the oil coming out of the dipstick straight away..

and i now friends with a guy that has a splitty and has the know how to take engine out and fit tinware and everything else the right way..

i will take the pics after its put back to show you all and to see if you can pick up anything else

thamk you
pilipala said:
little up date , i removed the blue tape off the side of the oil filler and it has stopped the oil coming out of the dipstick straight away..

and i now friends with a guy that has a splitty and has the know how to take engine out and fit tinware and everything else the right way..

i will take the pics after its put back to show you all and to see if you can pick up anything else

thamk you

If you must drive it, don't over rev it, drive it as gently as you can . Make sure oil is topped up and the fan belt is ok. Very short trips only.