Oil leak???

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2014
Reaction score
I have a oil leak from pulley and oil light coming on on tick over. Engine has been running fine up till now, just start all of a sudden. Advice please.
First thing to check is the oil level. If it's higher than normal and / or smells of petrol you may have a leaking diaphragm on the fuel pump which allows fuel into the oil, thinning it and raising the level. This will cause low pressure and leaks around the pulley.
Fuel pump is new but I will check mate. Other thing I notice is that when the pulley is in a certain place there is slight up/down play, but I had this before the leak started. Oil level is fine too.
There shouldn't be any up down play. Could the pulley be loose? Have you checked end float (in out play)?
Up and down movement of crankshaft pulley + oil pressure warning light on at tick over = badly worn main bearings.Solution, strip down and rebuild. Before strip down check end float for any case wear at thrust end, fly wheel end.
New bearing were fitted during the rebuild, engine has done no mileage yet. Pulley was tight because it was hard to come off when a changed to see if that was the problem. End float okay too.
Well, if the up down play is on the crankshaft then it's serious. Any play like that will cause the crank to hammer the bearing and the case. :(

Sounds like either the bearing has failed or it wasn't the right size to start with.
Mmmm. Play is only in one place, rotate the crank a bit and movement stops. Booked into a garage next week. I don't have the time to look at it. Hoping to go away for 1st outing on the 8th August. We shall see :lol:
I stick by what I have said and also Trikky2's comment, you have main bearing problem. Why was engine rebuilt, what was problem? There should be never be any lift on crankshaft pulley. If engine was rebuilt by some one else get back onto them. You say that there is only lift in one position ,turn pulley to where no lift and see if there is sideways movement.If so when you strip engine down again get the crankshaft checked for aligment. I had to rebuild an engine for someone who had similar problems to yours because person who built engine did not realise that case had been line bored. I also had to fit a new crankshaft as after a few hundred miles the crank was bent, hope yours is OK
Sounds like its goosed then. I rebuild the engine with new anything apart from crank and casings. Just want to go a holiday for a week in it and sort it after. If it's trashed probably buy a new engine and sell the parts off it than fanny about on a rebuild. Thanks again lads.
Engine update. Oil leak fixed. Turned out to be case breathing problem. To much pressure forcing the oil out via the pulley. Garages advice on engine either stripped down or to get a new one because of the pulley moving. Also noticed it's not running true so diffidently a crank problem. So need to sorce a recon engine from somewhere.

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