Oktober fest

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Anyone going to Oktober fest this weekend coming. Weather looking pretty good. I did look but all camping was sold out.

Cheers Gabs.
That’ll be a no then if it’s sold out. There is another one called Last Orders at Tuckers grave campsite and that’s Friday September 20th, 21st and 22nd I believe. I’m toying with the idea right now and I think that’s somewhere in the Mendips. Rich S has told me about it. Maybe leave it for another week or so then have a look at the long range forecast and see if it’s worth maybe booking it. After all it’s gonna be a long long winter with no camping ?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, notsure exactly where it is though. :)
Just had a look and it’s between Radstock, Bath , and Trowbridge. So twenty minutes or so for those in Bristol and districts.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,worth a look nearer the day.:)
Hey Ozzie,

Keep me updated on your thoughts then and if anyone else would be interested. Had a quick look and looks good with a campfire going.

Cheers Gabs.. 🤙🏻
I used to organise a group camp here, but stopped a few years ago due to lack of interest.

That sounds exactly what this is, a group camp that you organise yourselves in a camp site with a pub, and a barn that may or may not have music on and a chance to chat a load of baloney around a fire and try not to make too much noise. Sounds great. But ive got the wrong date up, it’s October not September which is just as well as we’d have missed that one. I’m not sure how much notice they’d need but they’d like you to read their camp rules and tell them if you’re in a group which is great I think as you won’t be near the families. It’s three weeks away so I’m gonna say yes and ring up and put my deposit down on Monday , then we’ll have an idea of how many might want to come. So if you put your deposit down and don’t turn up then your deposit is toast. You coming Wig? Got any cider bud ?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, so who else then? :)
Here's their Facebook page from last year, sounds good, I'm interested, will double check what I'm doing. Got my Propex and some gas, what more do I need!

Andy,,,,you need beer, but there is a pub there too.
if we all find out if you’re going let me know by Monday then I’ll ring and book and pay the deposit. I think we have to book as a group, if I’ve read it right.
What about the two Gaz’s???

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,who else?
That sounds exactly what this is, a group camp that you organise yourselves in a camp site with a pub, and a barn that may or may not have music on and a chance to chat a load of baloney around a fire and try not to make too much noise. Sounds great. But ive got the wrong date up, it’s October not September which is just as well as we’d have missed that one. I’m not sure how much notice they’d need but they’d like you to read their camp rules and tell them if you’re in a group which is great I think as you won’t be near the families. It’s three weeks away so I’m gonna say yes and ring up and put my deposit down on Monday , then we’ll have an idea of how many might want to come. So if you put your deposit down and don’t turn up then your deposit is toast. You coming Wig? Got any cider bud ?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, so who else then? :)
Hi all, interested, but all down to the weather for me.
Racked with aches & pains at the mo, hey ho 😁
Cant guarantee the weather but generally speaking the radar on the app you showed me , it’s looking fairly good. I’ve bought myself a Coleman event shelter like Gabs had down at Weobley Castle so we should have at least two of these . And it’ll be the last of the year.
Try and work it out for Monday as I’ll make the booking then I’ll have to pay the deposit.:)

Ozziedog,,,,,, maybe a few beers will shake them pains loose for a bit bud.:cool:
Cant guarantee the weather but generally speaking the radar on the app you showed me , it’s looking fairly good. I’ve bought myself a Coleman event shelter like Gabs had down at Weobley Castle so we should have at least two of these . And it’ll be the last of the year.
Try and work it out for Monday as I’ll make the booking then I’ll have to pay the deposit.:)

Ozziedog,,,,,, maybe a few beers will shake them pains loose for a bit bud.:cool:
I'm keen Oz but can't commit just now, I'm off to Ilfracombe t'moz, not in the van unfortunately. Do they need a deposit pronto then?.🤔
I'm keen Oz but can't commit just now, I'm off to Ilfracombe t'moz, not in the van unfortunately. Do they need a deposit pronto then?.🤔
No, not really. I was just trying to get a bit organised and get a decent group camp type of space for us but it’s no biggy. If they run out of spaces then so be it but I seriously doubt it this time of the year. Just had a message from Dave (Huy Rob) I told him that you was still aching a bit from when he tripped you over that time.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,He’s getting his twin carbs sorted , but it’s gone a bit wrong :)
No, not really. I was just trying to get a bit organised and get a decent group camp type of space for us but it’s no biggy. If they run out of spaces then so be it but I seriously doubt it this time of the year. Just had a message from Dave (Huy Rob) I told him that you was still aching a bit from when he tripped you over that time.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,He’s getting his twin carbs sorted , but it’s gone a bit wrong :)
Sounds about right for twin carbs don't ya think. If i went down that road I'd go straight to a trusted place with a rolling road and adequate stock of carb bits etc.
And that’s exactly what he did, then the chaps delivery didn’t turn up. It’s the chap that fits all the twin 34s.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, proper muck up by the sounds of i5. :)
Here's their Facebook page from last year, sounds good, I'm interested, will double check what I'm doing. Got my Propex and some gas, what more do I need!

Get your ass there Andy be good to have a catch up. Especially with Ozzie buying a shelter he must been impressed with the one I took to Weobley Castle!!

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