OOOOHhhh Rain

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Well-known member
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Jan 24, 2010
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East Brizzal
It`s absolutely black as coal out there and chucking it down like the end of the world, East Brizzal could sink if this keeps up ! :shock: I`m gradually going deaf from the pounding on the garage roof of the rain. This is mainly due to an unscheduled meeting of the ` coven ` down in my house at the moment. Ozziedog (and laptop) have been banished to the garage which is most probably safer at the moment. Seems one of the head witches is having domestic trouble and that`s what the extraordinary sunday meeting of the coven is all about. All those spells they`re casting down there may be having an effect on the weather, I reckon someone will be turned to a pillar of salt before the sun rises again :shock: Me and Sherbie and the bike are cowering in the garage waiting for the big bolt of lightening to come out of the roof of my house and smack into the heavens,,,, :msn4: then we`ll know for sure that some poor sod has met his maker :? If I stop posting,,,,,,, look for me ,,,,, but not in this world :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, Quaking in me boots ;) :shock: ;)
Can you stick your head out the window and see what way its heading please?
Im South East of you and want to take the dog for a walk soon :mrgreen:
Or is it a dark cloud just above your place, you know, with the covern and all that?

Rich 8)
Well we had it in St Austell this afternoon, but it's brightened up a lot now.

Was sat waiting for the van to start leaking, but  not a drip, not even from the sunroof.

Really happy 
Not really sure to be honest,, I`m just a bit scared to look outside at the moment :msn4: There`s actually three head witches down there,,,, three of em. That`s gonna be some mighty powerfull stuff they is brewing up down there. Daren`t poke me head out in case they spot me and use my body parts in one of their potions. The standard stuff is eye of newt and wing of bat,,,,,,,,,, but what if they need a bit of `DOG' :msn4: Gonna stay in the garage and keep me head down, luckily there`s three cases of Stella in here, hopefully ;) it may not have been tampered with,,,,,,,,,, but you just never know,,,,,,,they`s mighty cunning them witches :?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Make a break for it later,,,,,,,,,,when the pub opens ! :p :mrgreen: :p
no rain here all day :lol: mind i've not been out since i got back this morning at 8am so what difference it makes.......
Only thing in the sky here today was a Mk 9 Spitfire. Went to a little show local to us called yester years. Held on a old WW2 air base which use to have spitfires based there. Nice little show plenty to do. Even a 2 man Yak display team. Had a couple of people come up and say we should of had the bus on display!!!

As for them there witches. Your be alright Ozziedog. I understand they only sacrifice virgins. Your not a virgin are you (as said in the young ones "I'm not really asking I'm just using it as a form of aggression")
No mate,,,,,,, I wouldn`t be that worried by a little black cloud. This is the stuff from horror movies,,,,,,,, Alfred Hitchcock would be proud of how black them clouds is :msn4: . I`m wondering what they`re up to down there because the rains let up a bit. Do witches have tea breaks in the middle of casting spells ?????? Or do their potions need to settle or ferment or something ?? Or perhaps they is saving their strength for the grande finale , when some poor bugger ` gets it ' :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, Am I safe in the garage ?? :roll: :mrgreen: :?
Witches don't like the smell of oil. Quick cover yourself from head to foot in the finest EP90 you've got lying about then take a photo. It will keep them pesky witches away.

The oil that is not the photo. That's just so we can be humbled by your bravery in the face of witchcraft.....that and the fact we all need a jolly good laugh
You may very well have had a lovely Spitfire up where you are (nice :mrgreen: ) but the only thing in the sky down here is big black clouds and the occasional vrooooshhhh of a broomstick in full flight. You never see them :msn4: ,,,,,,,, you only hear them. If you actually see a broomstick in full flight you are on your way on the final journey to shovel coal for all eternity :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Not very good with a shovel actually :mrgreen:
Ozziedog, you aint got them witches to send the rain to Notts have you...its as black as soot here now & thunder rumbling..we will have to get our latebay witches to send it onwards :msn4:
I could do with a jolly good laugh meself at the moment ;) and I`m afraid I don`t feel particularly brave at this point in time or I`d do it. That and the fact I can`t work my camera properly or get photos from it onto this forum. But,,,, one of the witches (Mrs Ozziedog) has brought me down a couple of ham rolls and a bag of crisps,,,,,,,,,,, what do you think ???? Do you reckon they`re ok or is it one of their ruses, will I be rendered unconscious and they can have their wicked way with me :msn4: I`m gonna be brave and try the ham roll, the crisps look a bit suspicious :shock: I`ve never seen that flavour before,,,,, `mutilated hedgehog' :? wonder what they taste like :?:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, Shall I try them ??????? ;) :shock: ;)
I`m really sorry about that, I don`t expect our guests to be subjected to such horrors :msn4: All I can do is apologise. I`m hoping for the coven to disperse soon or I`ll never get to the pub :shock: ;) :shock: I just feel sorry for the poor dude who they `re casting spells on. It`ll probably be in the paper tomorrow as a natural disaster or a freak of nature :msn4:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,But we`ll know, all us bayers will know,, :msn4: :shock: :msn4:
seeing as your trapped in the garage mate, I'll raise a glass of cold Castle Rock Blonde beer :party0041:

try a nibble of your first ham roll & if thats okay, t'other one is the sussy roll to avoid!!
my witches are in good moods today. probably getting ready to nag my face off at rtth's

OOOOOOOOOOOOhhh a smiley witch ????????? Bit of a contradiction of words though !!! That could even be Mrs Ozziedog going to work in the mornings, apart from the smiley bit. If you ever evvvver catch Mrs Ozziedog smiling,,,,,,, you`ll know there`s been some evil at work somewhere :shock: I`ve eaten the rolls and looked in the mirror,, I still look the same, took my socks off and my feet are still the same,,,, no excess hairyness or plague of warts, I`ve got the tape measure out and I haven`t started shrinking or anything,,,,,,,, what else should I check before I get up the pub ????? I`m gonna try the `mutilated hedgehog crisps' , If I have my first sip of Stella and turn back into a frog,,,,,,there`ll be hell to pay :msn4:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Gonna run for it,,,,,,,, report back in after closing time :mrgreen: ;) :lol:
hmmm what else could you check????

your credit card, she's popped a happy spendy pill in the rolls thus enabling you to treat her to a days shopping in town....

my wallets well hidden!!

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