opening 1/4 latch - different style on a 68 import?

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
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both latches on my 68 US import have broken (opening 1/4 on the cab doors)

I've got 3 spare window glass with latch but on close inpection the latch is slightly different and not interchangable.

The latch from my 68 does not have a metal pin to knock out to remove latch - my spares do and i can only find replacement latches with the securing pin

Maybe the latch i need is a 68 only part?...or the US models all have this slightly different mech?

Any help much appreciated
Sorry - bit slow in replying - theres only one type of catch listed in the parts manual. The pin type.

If there is no retaining pin on yours then the only other possibility is some sort of retaining ring washer, a bit like a tiny cir-clip, in the latch. This will only be accessible after the glass has been removed.
hi ..thanks for reply....they were definately a different style of latch - in the end i just drilled out the two rivets holding the latch assembly to the window frame - tapped out with a small hamer - and replaced with pin type assembly off some spare windows i had lying around - vwheritage were out of the special rivets to hold it in place but to be honest it's such a tight squeeze (had to wack it back in with a hamer) that it is firmly stuck there - cant move in and out without hitting hard with hamer..

all looks good now and can lock them too!

will put up a pic of the different latch cause its a completly different design and would be interested to know why and where they came from?

Thanks for the reply - yes I would be interested to see them.

Theres quite a lot of oddities around because of course these vehicles were also built in SA, Brazil, Australia etc.

Some of these markets required a percentage of locally manufactured parts to be used before the vehicle could be classed as local rather than imported, for import duties.

Hence when comparing to European built there can be some puzzling variations, especially since a lot of spare parts from warm dry places have been imported over the years.
My US import 68 had "different" catches which were also broken.
I replaced the whole 1/4lights for later ones as I had a pair handy.
ZedBed said:
My US import 68 had "different" catches which were also broken.
I replaced the whole 1/4lights for later ones as I had a pair handy.

Ah - so its likely just a superseded part then - probably found it was cheaper to make with a pin rather than a circlip I suspect.
I don't think they were locking type. :? Quite different if I remember, but I'd have to check, I'll see if I have the old ones still.
68 quarters are different ... they are rivetted on differently for a start, but Ive not looked that closely otherwise.
sorted i just drilled out the latch rivets and carefully tapped the latch out with a small hammer ...then slid the later type latches in - was easier than replacing whole 1/4 window - plus wanted to keep the original glass anyway...

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