Original Cig lighter not powering Sat Nav

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score
I recently checked the cigarette lighter in the bus and it works and thought great I'll use the sat nav and then I can keep a check on my speed as my speedo still doesn't work.

My sat nav, like most, auto switches on when the ignition is turned on. However, after a couple of mins it switches back over to internal battery mode, suggesting that the power from the cigarette lighter has cut out. Yet if I immeadiatly retry the actual cigarette lighter, it still works. It's like a Homer Simpson moment, I keep repeatadley burning the tip of my finger in the process - Doh!

Can anyone suggest as to why the cigarette lighter doesn't maintain the power for the sat nav?

From what I can make out the cigarette lighter is the original one. The 1968 bus is from California, not sure if that makes a difference.

Any ideas?
maybe crap connection from the plug on the satnav into the cigarette lighter? i've found a lot push themselves back out
Thank you for the advise. It turns out the an older sat nav I had laying around worked fine, therefore it was just a bad connection on the sat nav plug.. Problem now sorted

Thank you