Went for a little run in the bus ,, just down to see my mate Nick in the garage, as I do quite often on a Saturday morning (just about) I wanted to show him my new super fandango pop top ceiling which looks very nice indeedily :mrgreen: Got home and it had started raining while I was out charging around, so I started squeegeeing my bus off before getting him right in the garage. Some ***** hawk has scraped my nearside arch right across and right down to the metal and I am not best pleased about it, they obviously didn`t leave a note or anything like that, it`s just one step forwards then two steps back, so I waited for a couple of hours before I posted because I would have been a little OTT earlier on. No I don`t have any pictures of the ceiling / liner because it`s too big and needs a decent photographer and camera I should imagine, although I haven't tried yet. Might take my I pad down when it stops this torrential horrible blinkin rain.
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, As you were gang :roll: :evil: :roll: :evil: :roll:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, As you were gang :roll: :evil: :roll: :evil: :roll: