Our trip to France ...

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
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SE London
Just back from 2 weeks driving and camping round france. Have given the google map a good shot, although it seems to have let me down on some of the finer points. But you can get the general idea. All good stuff apart from the window winder breaking on day two (thanks to all again for the www help in the quick fix). All in all a great time, however, In wasn't fully aware of two things - a) petrol is now extortionate in Frabce, orunning at Euro 1.21 at the very cheapest and up to Euo 1.45 in one place - I think we averaged about Euro 1.25, considerably more expensive when you consider the exchange rate. b) camping haws gone up a lot in price since 2 years ago, we went to a couple of places we'd been to before and they were charging twice whet they were before. Gone are the days of the 5 to 7 euro campsite, we khad minimum of Euro 14 or sao and we did some slumming it. Also the price of beer - Euro 2.10 cheapest for a half - but a good tweo weeks, got a fair few vw waves from random people in cars, motorbikes and a crazy looking mechanic in the middle of nowhere.

We got the early Chunnel to Calais and got to Macon on day one at 6pm. An early start to Lac Aguebalette for a few days, then on to Annecy which was beautiful. At the time the weather looked like breaking so we headed north through the mountians by lake Geneva, got stuck in a terrible rain/hail/thunder and lightening storm at the top, and stopped en route to champagne region before a couple of days at Eperney for some champers and then back to Blighty.

http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=117780748097296732939.00046ba1714c26303035f" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Anyway, some piccies.






Really handy info on the cost of things, its far too easy to dream and forget the important stuff. We are off next summer and are hoping the euro will swing in our direction. Looks like you had a great time though, welcome home!
wow looks like you had a cool little adventure! how many miles did you cover in total then?

Always fancied doing this, also where did your little one kip? weve just had a little girl and I haven't quite worked out where she will go yet!
we have a front cab bunk from Just kampers, worked a treat when the weather was warm. Up north when it was a bit cooler she slept in with us, we have a full width bed in the back so not really too much of a problem. The main problem is that there is nothiing under the b unk, there fore can get a bit cool - I'm sure wiht a little thought a solution could be worked out.

Glad to hear you had a good time and made it home, looks like an amazing trip. We cancelled our trip last year due to the price of petrol......

A little tip is a fleecy blanket on the bed and a sleeping bag withe straps to keep them in, works a treat.

Buy a 3/4 length thermarest mat, we use one with our daughter and she seems to sleep better in the van than the house been out is some really cold weather over the last few years snow ice etc, and shes never complained about being cold.

I highly recommend them as the pack down to next to nothing, Ive used them for years when traveling and mountaineering.
You can get thermarest mats from here http://www.completeoutdoors.co.uk/Thermarest-Trail-Lite-Small" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; just as if its a 3/4 length, full length wont fit in the cab.
Awesome picture

Glad you had a cool trip.
We are off mid August and will be easy on the throttle by the looks of it! :shock:
Also off in mid august for 8 weeks......I had heard the prices of petrol was pricey but blimmy!
The piage stations are aroun 1.36. I found the Carefour Supermarket stations the cheapest by quite a way. My advise is fill up before you get on the boat!
Trip looks awesome mate,

really gutted to hear about the rising price of camping though, pretty much all of my childhood holidays were spent 'en francais' in an early with my family, moving from site to site:


Then I took the family over 2 years ago, to repeat some of the best times:


We had a ball, I've since taken the kids to Florida, and they still claim France in a Bus is the best holiday! 8)

I hope they don't screw it up through greed, I appreciate we all have to make a living, but double the price per night takes the p**s! :evil:
Total Milage was around the 1300 mark - the google map mile counter isn't working properly - I forgot to mention we turned the clock back to 0000000 while away!

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