Just back from 2 weeks driving and camping round france. Have given the google map a good shot, although it seems to have let me down on some of the finer points. But you can get the general idea. All good stuff apart from the window winder breaking on day two (thanks to all again for the www help in the quick fix). All in all a great time, however, In wasn't fully aware of two things - a) petrol is now extortionate in Frabce, orunning at Euro 1.21 at the very cheapest and up to Euo 1.45 in one place - I think we averaged about Euro 1.25, considerably more expensive when you consider the exchange rate. b) camping haws gone up a lot in price since 2 years ago, we went to a couple of places we'd been to before and they were charging twice whet they were before. Gone are the days of the 5 to 7 euro campsite, we khad minimum of Euro 14 or sao and we did some slumming it. Also the price of beer - Euro 2.10 cheapest for a half - but a good tweo weeks, got a fair few vw waves from random people in cars, motorbikes and a crazy looking mechanic in the middle of nowhere.
We got the early Chunnel to Calais and got to Macon on day one at 6pm. An early start to Lac Aguebalette for a few days, then on to Annecy which was beautiful. At the time the weather looked like breaking so we headed north through the mountians by lake Geneva, got stuck in a terrible rain/hail/thunder and lightening storm at the top, and stopped en route to champagne region before a couple of days at Eperney for some champers and then back to Blighty.
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=117780748097296732939.00046ba1714c26303035f" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Anyway, some piccies.
We got the early Chunnel to Calais and got to Macon on day one at 6pm. An early start to Lac Aguebalette for a few days, then on to Annecy which was beautiful. At the time the weather looked like breaking so we headed north through the mountians by lake Geneva, got stuck in a terrible rain/hail/thunder and lightening storm at the top, and stopped en route to champagne region before a couple of days at Eperney for some champers and then back to Blighty.
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=117780748097296732939.00046ba1714c26303035f" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Anyway, some piccies.