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dubs and classics said:
I also left my mark in woodbridge when my towing eye on the front bumper dug a nice groove in the tarmac leaving the carpark :oops:

Ha ha i live in woodbridge ill keep an "eye" out for it :lol:
Grazy said:
dubs and classics said:
I also left my mark in woodbridge when my towing eye on the front bumper dug a nice groove in the tarmac leaving the carpark :oops:

Ha ha i live in woodbridge ill keep an "eye" out for it :lol:

lol :lol: :lol:
....its as you leave the pay and display car park that's near a thai restaurant, kwan thai or something if i recal....think there was a library there or something as well?
Pics from last 2 days at Pont l'eveque ( 14, france ) ;)



Hey Yoyo,

Tu passes le permis quand ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gamb from T2Addict :roll:
Well the shop bus passed its MOT so heading to the DVLA office this afternoon so hopefully this bad boy will be at a show very soon:mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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