I have for sale a custom earlybay single cab that needs some work. I was driving this beast in California in Febuary and had the time of my life. It's been sprayed black and a bit of a rat look. Lowered with low profile tyres, i had theengine checked by a porsche specialist and they gave it a clean bill of health but could be sure if it's a 2.4 or 2.7ltre. the engine has had the upgraded chain tensioner fitted. It's currently in storage in sacramento.
She does need some work on the brakes, some welding underneath and the road that adjusts the allignment is bend slightly and will need replacing.
If you want any photo's email me at [email protected]
I am also breaking a couple of earlybays whilst i'm out here so if you need any doors, engine lids, rear hatches, dashboards, glass etc etc use the same email address.
She does need some work on the brakes, some welding underneath and the road that adjusts the allignment is bend slightly and will need replacing.
If you want any photo's email me at [email protected]
I am also breaking a couple of earlybays whilst i'm out here so if you need any doors, engine lids, rear hatches, dashboards, glass etc etc use the same email address.