Pulling to left when braking **back and game over! :( **

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Ok, and when you use the brakes whilst driving dose the pedal pulsate under your foot when depressing it ?
Ok well not an exact science but when the drums are out of shape it normally makes the pedal pulsate when you break so they are probably ok.

You say it bleeds fine and the fluid flows at the same rate from each cylinder when the pedal is pumped ?

Shoes are new and fine ?

If the above is correct I suggest you get someone to depress the pedal a certain amount and hold it down in that position.
Then turn each wheel to make sure the brakes are working at the same time.

If you are friendly with your local MoT garage you could maybe do this on their rollers and use a ruler to measure the depression of the pedal to ensure its the same each time
I'm going take both drums off tomorrow and compare and swap them over and see the results, if this doesn't make things obvious then my next port of call was a MOT brake roller. Thanks for the help
No worries did you say one shoe was less worn than the others ?
Ok update, possibly may of found the issue (not getting my hopes up thou :lol: )

I took the drums off and gave them a good look over and measured the wear and basically if the info I have is right they are both knackered :lol:


My understanding is as new they are 250mm (+-0.2mm) and the wear limit is 251.5mm bearing in mind that your supposed to use over sized shoes liners when they get to 251mm (+-0.2mm)

The right hand side which is the suspected problem measured just over 252mm so well beyond the limit even with oversized liners!


Also the inside was very scored almost it almost felt ribbed when running my nail along it


The other side (the suspected good side) measured 251 and bit mm so right on the limit but better then the other side


The inside despite looking bad in this picture was a lot more shiny and smooth


So in summary the right hand side drum is a lot worst and doesn't look like its scrubbed shoes much at all so hopefully found my issue.. hopefully

I bought a new pair of drums finally tracking them down from GSF seems everyone is out of stock of these at the moment sadly I haven't fitted them as they introduced a nice little issue which is explained here:- http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=30016" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I swear this van hates me its alway one step forward two steps back :lol:
New bearing seals sourced for the new drums and fitted them up and had a test drive in the snow and I am very very happy to say the issue has been resolved and the van now brakes straight! (and very well!).. wahoo I actually fixed something for once :lol: now to solve the engine oil leak :shock:
Well that didn't last long :lol:

Packed the van up for a holiday in Cornwall and made it one junction on the M25 until I had to turn back as it was pulled badly to the left again :evil:

Took the drum off to find the BRAND NEW wheel cylinder for GSF had leaked all over the new shoes. Was fuming I couldn't take the van on hols and wasted so much time and money on trying to get this van as safe as I can for my family on holiday and you have well known company selling absolute crap repo rubbish.

Also had it with front Drums.. they can kiss my arse :lol: fitting a wide five vented disc and calliper conversion instead
There has been another thread on here today saying that GSF had supplied a wheel cylinder and after a few miles it had leaked.
Oh Rippers :shock: I feel so bad for you mate, I was 100 percent sure we was on the right track,,,, with the drums,,, then this :evil: :evil: :evil: At least no one was hurt. 8)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, Is your middle name `Lucky' ;) :roll: ;)

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