Pulling to the left when braking, any ideas???

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Benfleet, Essex,UK.

I have a '71 Westy poptop that when you brake it pulls to the left hand side and you can feel the van sink down on the left hand side more than the right, I have replaced both calipers and new pads (discs not replaced) I thought once both calipers was replaced it would solve the problem, but it still pull to the left but not as bad as before, I replaced the shock as the one on that side had no life in it any more.
The van has just been lowered and is running stock shocks,it's only a mild drop, but the pulling to one side was before it was lowered.

Any ideas? someone said, tracking should be done (I have got round to it yet) maybe broken spring on one side,but never heard of anyone have broke a part like this.

It is going to the MOT station for the brakes to be balanced to see if the rears being out of balance would affect the front end problem, it passed the MOT a couple of moths ago, with the guy saying brakes was fine?

Any ideas???

thanks :)
Campmobile70 said:

I have a '71 Westy poptop that when you brake it pulls to the left hand side and you can feel the van sink down on the left hand side more than the right, I have replaced both calipers and new pads (discs not replaced) I thought once both calipers was replaced it would solve the problem, but it still pulls to the left but not as bad as before, the van has'nt been on the road for years and I went out on my first time yesterday, for a 20 minute test drive, I replaced the shock as the one on that side had no life in it any more.
The van has just been lowered and is running stock shocks,it's only a mild drop, but the pulling to one side was before it was lowered.

Any ideas? someone said, tracking should be done (I have got round to it yet) maybe broken spring on one side,but never heard of anyone have a part like this brake or anyone I know of, but been told by a guy who's worked on VW's for over forty years and he says it can happen, but not something he has see that often ( Tim Flynn formular Vee WINNER IN THE '70's and still working on VW's )

It is going to the MOT station for the brakes to be balanced to see if the rears being out of balance would affect the front end problem, it passed the MOT a couple of moths ago, with the guy saying brakes was fine?

Any ideas???

thanks :)
Try bleeding the brake lines on the opposite side to where it pulls first then the other front and rears too for good measure.

Thanks to all of you that gave ideas, the van is going to my local MOT station in the next couple of days just to see if the brakes are balanced correctly, then from there I think it will be new brake hoses :) fingers crossed that will sort it.

Any other ideas or comment welcome, really need to get this sorted :)

brake hose most likely but could be tyre ,try swoping them side for side.
Took the van to my local MOT station, and it was fine on the rear and the fronts was out of balance, looks like you was right, the left hand side was stronger than the right, so new flexi hoses in the morning, and hope that sorts it, and tyre pressure and tracking....

Thanks for the replys :)
If that doesn't work, top "panick MOT tip - I'll sort it prop'ly later guv honest" is to swap the pads from wheel to wheel. ;)

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