Question for Mods

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Compleat Idiot

Active member
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
First off, I love this place - very relaxed atmosphere and the people seem dead sound :D

So, it's not a complaint - more of a question (nerdy one at that!)

Some sites you go on, when you hover your cursor over the title of a thread, it tells you the first line or two of the first post - I always find this helps me decide whether to open it or not...

On here (on my computer anyway, it just shows the date and time the post was made...

Is there any setting I (or you even!) can change to show the content of the post?

I know, I really should get out more :oops:
Hey buddy..

I figure you are on a Windows machine?

If you are and have a 3 button mouse - where by I mean one with 2 buttons and a wheel - find the threads you think look interesting then 'middle-mouse' them by clicking the wheel down. This will open each thread in a new tab for you.

Failing that if you only have 2 buttons, try right clicking on the link for the thread and selecting 'open in new tab' or similar. Presuming here that you have an up to date version of Firefox or IE..

Hope this helps dude..
I know what you mean, I like that hover preview thing too - depends on the forum software I guess...
yes its forum software, phpBB is not my favorite flavor of fourum, but i ve learnt that when you change things, people get unhappy :D its a pain in the ass and mine has tightened several times while porting an old forum over to a new. Its gone wrong a few times and something i dread, but you do have to keep on top of the porn and spammers :(
No worries, and thanks Cunning Plan, for taking the time to take seriously what was a very trivial issue :lol:

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