Just my two penneth for anyone yet to go through this:
I went through all sorts of methods trying to get 50 year old 200lb/ft+ nuts undone: slogging, big bars and scaff, jacks (just lifted the van), crying, stamping my feet.
I'm not big on hammering at nuts.
If you can get hold of a torque multiplier and long 3/4" drive ratchet or breaker bar it will be a delight.
I borrowed a 4 to 1 torque multiplier and a 4 foot long 3/4" ratchet. It is a geared unit that fits between ratchet and socket which gives 4 x the input effort at the socket. The nuts came off by just gently leaning on the bar.
If you know anyone or have a friendly local tyre place, most carry big 1" impact guns on their mobile units. These will undo anything, they normally don't even rattle, they are that powerful.
These tools are expensive but are likely to be at any business that repairs trucks, tractors, heavy garden machinery etc.
If your bus is on the road, be cheeky, rock up and ask, people love VW's.
Get them to undo and then just nip up and refit the pin so you can get it home to work on.