Rear facing seats/seatbelts?

Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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I wonder if anyone can help. We have sold our van and are looking at an early bay with an original interior so it has two seats next to the cupboard and one rear facing seat behind the drivers (lhd). We have three children, oldest is 16 and youngest needs a car seat so would be in the forward facing rear seat. Does anyone know what the situation is with driving with someone sat in the rear facing seat? Is this legal?
The vehicle pre dates rear seatbelt legislation. In addition there are exemptions relating to motor caravans.

If you do fit seatbelts then they will of course be inspected during an MOT in the normal way.
As Trikky says, they can use the seat no problem. If you dont fit a seat belt its not illegal, but its an easy fit, so you may as well.

I have a lap belt fitted for the buddy seat in my Westy as it gets used very occasoinally and tucks out of sight when not in use.

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