rear safari windows

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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Hi all. I like the look of the rear safari window kits you can buy. Anybody on here got one? Are they good quality easy to fit? Does it get used much?
Cheers :)
Always shown an interest in them aswell but never took the plunge & bought one.
I'll watch this thread with interest ;)

Chaps, had a hankering for One myself for a while now, looked in to them and found the best place was on, a mine of information...
Custom and Com sell them but they come in steep.
Two friend have had them, One leaked, the other was sound, this One was bought from Brazil ? Both parties said they would have another. Having a panel-van I think it may be a bonus on a hot summers night..
Maybe a new group buy if enough could be raised...
I had 2, one a creative and the other I forget the make. Both excellent quality, both leaked. The 2 x catches just can't pull the window close enough to the seal at the bottom corners. I think they look cool as! I just got pissed off at mopping up every time it rained so took them out.
Yes I also really liked the look of these but the reports of water leaks and in one case some exhaust fumes getting in put me right off...but they do look cool
i have a bluebird one. love it. doesnt leak and so well cool when you are sleeping and have the window open.
All these reports of leaks......Would they be from second or third hand windows that have been fitted, then removed then refitted etc. or are we talking brand new out of the box leakage here?

Always fancied one of these myself

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
New out of the box unfortunately, Butty is now offering seals for Safari windows and is adamant that they work or he'll refund you, link to the relevant page here, second item down" onclick=";return false;

Ref the exhaust fumes you are not supposed to drive with the rear ones open, they are only meant to be used for ventilation once you have parked up.
Graham L said:
Ref the exhaust fumes you are not supposed to drive with the rear ones open, they are only meant to be used for ventilation once you have parked up.

What about if you open the front windows so there is air-flow through the bus? :|
All the sites say only use whilst driving when the front Safaris are open, not sure you'll get enough through draft from the front cab door windows if that's what you mean.

I think they are great for ventilation purposes but I'd only use one when camped or parked up on a bay anyway.
Re Exhaust fumes.. The Safari window was shut.. If water can get by a poor fitting seal so can exhaust fumes !!
If Butty has a better seal it might be worth a try , I love the idea of a Safari window... So has anyone used one of Butty's seals ?
Would love some feedback if anyone has.
Buswerx in Woodbridge has started making his own. Uses a piano hinge at the top so it shuts flush at the bottom. Hoping to get 1 myself this summer.
Ozzie, you should be more worried about someone stealing your roof, i hear its not held on very well :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Trikky2 said:
six said:
well cool when you are sleeping and have the window open.

Aren't you worried somebody might steal your feet?

Ahh man now i will never sleep again! will be paranoid someone will come tickle my feet and run away or tie my laces together..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ahh man now i will never sleep again! will be paranoid someone will come tickle my feet and run away or tie my laces together..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]
No need to be a victim, sleep in some welly boots!

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