Self Cancellling Indicators ?

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2013
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Surrey Hills
....are indicators supposed to self cancel (1968) - mine don't and have resulted to a few scary moments for myself and other road users...

If the are supposed to and don't - would that be an MOT failure

Many Thanks for any advice before I dive in...
slow-lane-Matt said:
....are indicators supposed to self cancel (1968) - mine don't and have resulted to a few scary moments for myself and other road users...

If the are supposed to and don't - would that be an MOT failure

Many Thanks for any advice before I dive in...

Not sure about the MOT failure, But yes they shoudl self cancel,

The steering wheel has a flange which is held by 3 screws into the bottom of it. This has a flat section which sticks down and into the indiacator switch. two common faults are A) the flange is missing, b) the switch has slipped down the column hence no interferance between the two.
probably, mine don't and haven't since I've owned the bus 5 years, no problems with MOT. I just cancel them myself
Yes they are supposed to self cancel.
Under the steering wheel boss is a ring with a piece (flag) which extends downwards. When you indicate, one of 2 metal arms extend from the indicator mechanism towards the steering column. When you turn the wheel the flag above will contact the extended arm & cause it to release & spring back into its parked position - thus cancelling the indicator.
When dead ahead the flag should be 180 degrees away from the switch.

As for MOT it seems that anything which should work, but doesn't, is a failure now. However I can't see it being tested as they don't actually do a test drive anymore.

Thanks all, yep, the collar had slipped down, so the flange missed the pins, and pushing it back up fixed, sort of...

...but whenever I look at anything on the bus that needs attention I always seem to find someone else's

The reason the collar had slipped was because it was loose, so I undid it hoping to find some sort of jubilee clip to tighten the indicator assembly to the steering column. No such luck.

How is it held firm ? just by the friction of the two curved clamps, hard to imagine why they would be worn...

Was the electrical tape just bulking out the steering column for better grip

I'd prefer to fix it properly rather than whacking more tape up there.

What are my options ? any ideas/suggestions...?

Mine has a fabric 'scarf' round the column to increase the clamping force. It was there when I bought it 8 years ago, and I've done nothing to change it :oops:

While you're there, check the doughnut at the bottom of your steering column. It could be possible that this has deteriorated, allowing the wheel to move upwards (and away from the indicator switch) a little. You can see a bit more of the spring around the column in your photo than I remember on mine, but it could be just the photo :)
Whilst this topic is fairly current, could anybody advise what position the metal cancelling ring should be in with both wheels facing forward?
Should it be positioned with the cut out next to the indicator switch so the centre of the triggering mechanism far side of the steering wheel? (so the switch cancelling arm isn't in contact with anything until the wheel is moved either left or right?
mine doesn't appear to want to sit in that position?
can i remove the steering wheel and reposition to rectify this?
it self cancels turning right but not left.
any advice appreciated.
Would anyone have a photo of the elusive flange? (story of my life.....)
just on the mot, I went out on the road with the mot tester in 2014 when he did the brake tests, brakes were fine but one hand brake cable snapped, hilarious, so that was a fail, the mobile tester thing is more tolerant apparently rather than the rollers!!!

My view is I'd rather have a rigourus test on an old vehicle.
If you've the steering wheel off, turn it upside down the "flange", metal ring is screwed on to the bottom with three screws, it should sit opposite the indicator unit, so on the right on RHD, left LHD, well that's how I did mine.
BRAD said:
If you've the steering wheel off, turn it upside down the "flange", metal ring is screwed on to the bottom with three screws, it should sit opposite the indicator unit, so on the right on RHD, left LHD, well that's how I did mine.

Mine is on the same side as the indicator unit.. That way the indicator cancels at straight ahead and not half a turn one way? I haven't got a clue which is correct but it works for me, although the indicator has a tendency to self cancel too quickly with the wheel slightly turned.
BRAD said:
If you've the steering wheel off, turn it upside down the "flange", metal ring is screwed on to the bottom with three screws, it should sit opposite the indicator unit, so on the right on RHD, left LHD, well that's how I did mine.

Sorry, for the long reply. Life often gets in the way of my fun.

Now I'm really confused!

Finally found the *snigger* flange. I have a lhd and the flange is on the left and the same side as the indicator unit. It worked previously, up until the point the rh indicator jammed. From there I removed the housing, wd40'd it all and it freed off. However it wouldn't then stay on....

So, bought a new indicator unit, fitted it etc... they stay on but now don't self cancel , and left turn stops the indicators flashing on cancel but the dash lights for the indicators carry on until you flick the switch as if to turn right quickly and back.:shock:

Anyone else any ideas?
You should have a 2mm gap between the top of the indicator body and the bottom of the steering wheel.
Mine are not self cancelling, but there is a audible indicator thing in the dash and it makes a hell of a noise when there on, so you wont forget to turn them off... ;-)
It's doing my head in now. No closer to it working and teasing me by making the noise as if it was cancelling.....Started another thread as it's linked in with other steering wheel joys

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