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Still having a struggle with my front brakes and have a drum that won’t rotate now so it’s warmed up a little I’ll be able to get down the garage and sort it just as soon as I can get this decorating finished. The hall stairs and landing always takes forever and three weeks. Seven doors and architraves and all the skirtings all rubbed down and undercoated, both ceilings had three coats of white, and I’ve just started on the walls so should be finished that this week and glossing too hopefully then back to the van. I spotted a post over on the LateBay about anybody that might have put some lights in the front air box. Well I did it a couple of years back and completely forgot all about it until I read that post. My main idea was so that peeps might see me and not used as headlights. I’ve commented several times on how bright my headlamps are when compared to a flickering candle it’s like 50:50 what’s brighter.

Still having a struggle with my front brakes and have a drum that won’t rotate now so it’s warmed up a little I’ll be able to get down the garage and sort it just as soon as I can get this decorating finished. The hall stairs and landing always takes forever and three weeks. Seven doors and architraves and all the skirtings all rubbed down and undercoated, both ceilings had three coats of white, and I’ve just started on the walls so should be finished that this week and glossing too hopefully then back to the van. I spotted a post over on the LateBay about anybody that might have put some lights in the front air box. Well I did it a couple of years back and completely forgot all about it until I read that post. My main idea was so that peeps might see me and not used as headlights. I’ve commented several times on how bright my headlamps are when compared to a flickering candle it’s like 50:50 what’s brighter.

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The brakes and lack of saga continues. Cant work out why but I can’t get that newer drum to work nicely. I’ve just seen a couple of brand new drums on social media that have the splines located out of centre in the hole in the drums, a bit scary how poor they are. I’ve now thrown all the toys out of the pram and taken the bearings out of that newer hub and put them back in my old drum. It’s rusted over a bit so I’ve cleaned that up and there’s no traces of anything now. Fitted the drums and filled with brake fluid, gave them a bit of a bleed then left them overnight as an initial test. Came back to it after tea next day to be greeted by a brake fluid puddle under the nearside front hub. Couldn’t believe it so thought the best course of action here is to go up the pub. Rang Nick at C.J. Motors next day just to chat about it and he promptly offers to order me one in after advising me that everything you buy now is somewhere between **** and not bloody brilliant. Pick it up on my day off and we do a post mortem on the leaky one with Teddy, mainly because Teddy is the only one between us with decent eyesight to see what the issue might be. So ,, on getting the cylinder out, there’s a large flake of metal stuck to the piston seal, about the size of a flake off of a match head, the rubber dosent look quite big enough possibly and later on with a magnifying glass at home we find a nick in the rubber. Fit the new cylinder and fill with fluid adjust the shoes ,,,,,again and wallah we have brakes.
Oh joy,, having a little test drive , but not too far, I want to get back and chuck a little more grease in those bearings, adjust them and adjust the shoes. Did about five miles or do, with plenty of roundybouts. Get back to the garage, trolley jack under, up on stands and whiz those wheels off. Before I adjust anything, I’ll just rub down that wheel that I painted black because it’s just the one that’s not silver and I didn’t like it black. I get the rattle can and give it a bit of a shake up and then start on the prep. So I rub it down, and clean it off with white spirits and mask the tyre. Go and get some coffee just to give it a bit of time to totally dry off. Then get the rattle can out and give it a good shake every which way. Press the button to start spraying,,,,, nothing ,,,,, no pressure at all ,, so I check the can, it’s brand new then I spot the date on it is use by March 2019 ,, how old!!! The idea was to spray the wheel and let it dry overnight and while I fiddled about adjusting this that and the other, so up Screwfix in the morning.
Woke up early this morning and was day dreaming about getting up and I had a brilliant idea. No gas left in the can, I’ll open up the can and brush it on and then it’ll dry while I’m adjusting stuff. Go down the garage in my dressing gown and shake the can up then stab it with a large possi drive screwdrive like I did the other week with my old 3:1 oil spray that had lost its pressure.

Ozziedog I won’t say any more.

Good job I had my reading glasses on and good job my hair is various shades of silver. There’s paint everywhere, all over my old AM radio, over my C.B. On my glasses , on my CDs , over me on my dressing gown, it’s still on my hands now. Cup of coffee required and go and tell Mrs Ozziedog what a plonker I’ve been. Then after a bit of a clean up I can’t find a blinking paint brush anyway , I knew I’d separated the little one and put them somewhere, but after an hour of searching, I gave up. Breakfast for two in bed with the silver man and Mrs Ozziedog.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,oh ,, how we laughed. :) :ROFLMAO: :)
The brakes and lack of saga continues. Cant work out why but I can’t get that newer drum to work nicely. I’ve just seen a couple of brand new drums on social media that have the splines located out of centre in the hole in the drums, a bit scary how poor they are. I’ve now thrown all the toys out of the pram and taken the bearings out of that newer hub and put them back in my old drum. It’s rusted over a bit so I’ve cleaned that up and there’s no traces of anything now. Fitted the drums and filled with brake fluid, gave them a bit of a bleed then left them overnight as an initial test. Came back to it after tea next day to be greeted by a brake fluid puddle under the nearside front hub. Couldn’t believe it so thought the best course of action here is to go up the pub. Rang Nick at C.J. Motors next day just to chat about it and he promptly offers to order me one in after advising me that everything you buy now is somewhere between **** and not bloody brilliant. Pick it up on my day off and we do a post mortem on the leaky one with Teddy, mainly because Teddy is the only one between us with decent eyesight to see what the issue might be. So ,, on getting the cylinder out, there’s a large flake of metal stuck to the piston seal, about the size of a flake off of a match head, the rubber dosent look quite big enough possibly and later on with a magnifying glass at home we find a nick in the rubber. Fit the new cylinder and fill with fluid adjust the shoes ,,,,,again and wallah we have brakes.
Oh joy,, having a little test drive , but not too far, I want to get back and chuck a little more grease in those bearings, adjust them and adjust the shoes. Did about five miles or do, with plenty of roundybouts. Get back to the garage, trolley jack under, up on stands and whiz those wheels off. Before I adjust anything, I’ll just rub down that wheel that I painted black because it’s just the one that’s not silver and I didn’t like it black. I get the rattle can and give it a bit of a shake up and then start on the prep. So I rub it down, and clean it off with white spirits and mask the tyre. Go and get some coffee just to give it a bit of time to totally dry off. Then get the rattle can out and give it a good shake every which way. Press the button to start spraying,,,,, nothing ,,,,, no pressure at all ,, so I check the can, it’s brand new then I spot the date on it is use by March 2019 ,, how old!!! The idea was to spray the wheel and let it dry overnight and while I fiddled about adjusting this that and the other, so up Screwfix in the morning.
Woke up early this morning and was day dreaming about getting up and I had a brilliant idea. No gas left in the can, I’ll open up the can and brush it on and then it’ll dry while I’m adjusting stuff. Go down the garage in my dressing gown and shake the can up then stab it with a large possi drive screwdrive like I did the other week with my old 3:1 oil spray that had lost its pressure.

Ozziedog I won’t say any more.

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Good job I had my reading glasses on and good job my hair is various shades of silver. There’s paint everywhere, all over my old AM radio, over my C.B. On my glasses , on my CDs , over me on my dressing gown, it’s still on my hands now. Cup of coffee required and go and tell Mrs Ozziedog what a plonker I’ve been. Then after a bit of a clean up I can’t find a blinking paint brush anyway , I knew I’d separated the little one and put them somewhere, but after an hour of searching, I gave up. Breakfast for two in bed with the silver man and Mrs Ozziedog.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,oh ,, how we laughed. :) :ROFLMAO: :)
Mirrored glasses were fashionable one trying to start a new retro trend
The brakes and lack of saga continues. Cant work out why but I can’t get that newer drum to work nicely. I’ve just seen a couple of brand new drums on social media that have the splines located out of centre in the hole in the drums, a bit scary how poor they are. I’ve now thrown all the toys out of the pram and taken the bearings out of that newer hub and put them back in my old drum. It’s rusted over a bit so I’ve cleaned that up and there’s no traces of anything now. Fitted the drums and filled with brake fluid, gave them a bit of a bleed then left them overnight as an initial test. Came back to it after tea next day to be greeted by a brake fluid puddle under the nearside front hub. Couldn’t believe it so thought the best course of action here is to go up the pub. Rang Nick at C.J. Motors next day just to chat about it and he promptly offers to order me one in after advising me that everything you buy now is somewhere between **** and not bloody brilliant. Pick it up on my day off and we do a post mortem on the leaky one with Teddy, mainly because Teddy is the only one between us with decent eyesight to see what the issue might be. So ,, on getting the cylinder out, there’s a large flake of metal stuck to the piston seal, about the size of a flake off of a match head, the rubber dosent look quite big enough possibly and later on with a magnifying glass at home we find a nick in the rubber. Fit the new cylinder and fill with fluid adjust the shoes ,,,,,again and wallah we have brakes.
Oh joy,, having a little test drive , but not too far, I want to get back and chuck a little more grease in those bearings, adjust them and adjust the shoes. Did about five miles or do, with plenty of roundybouts. Get back to the garage, trolley jack under, up on stands and whiz those wheels off. Before I adjust anything, I’ll just rub down that wheel that I painted black because it’s just the one that’s not silver and I didn’t like it black. I get the rattle can and give it a bit of a shake up and then start on the prep. So I rub it down, and clean it off with white spirits and mask the tyre. Go and get some coffee just to give it a bit of time to totally dry off. Then get the rattle can out and give it a good shake every which way. Press the button to start spraying,,,,, nothing ,,,,, no pressure at all ,, so I check the can, it’s brand new then I spot the date on it is use by March 2019 ,, how old!!! The idea was to spray the wheel and let it dry overnight and while I fiddled about adjusting this that and the other, so up Screwfix in the morning.
Woke up early this morning and was day dreaming about getting up and I had a brilliant idea. No gas left in the can, I’ll open up the can and brush it on and then it’ll dry while I’m adjusting stuff. Go down the garage in my dressing gown and shake the can up then stab it with a large possi drive screwdrive like I did the other week with my old 3:1 oil spray that had lost its pressure.

Ozziedog I won’t say any more.

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Just been back down there and spent a lot of the morning cleaning up paint or overspray as I’ve heard it called. My hair was starting to hurt the evening it had gone boom so I washed it well in the shower. I’ve still no idea how much paint ended up in my hair but it didn’t show.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,let’s get on with breaking something else now. :)
First picture, you can see the reflection of my van in what is left of the mirror and the paint on my old radio and all over the stereo. The second picture is the naughty naughty little paint can that fooled me into thinking it had lost its pressure and ironically the new stainless steel parts cleaner is covered in paint and filthy and the Tilley lamp was in the blast centre too.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,now then ,,,,, brakes :)
Brakes ,,,yup,,, working,,, yup.

At last ,, brakes are working and bled, wheels have been off again and taken the drums off again and repacked the rollers in the bearings with a nice amount of grease and reset and adjusted the bearings . Adjusted up the brakes once again and I’ll maybe have another little readjust in a hundred miles or so. My pal Steve J also known as one of the brothers,,,, he’s been thinking about bleeding the brakes and not using a Gunson easy bleed because of the iffy remote brake reservoir and it’s reducers possibly not being ‘’up to ‘’ taking any amount of pressure . So he came up with a solution that he’d used before by bleeding a hydraulic clutch backwards using an oil can because there was little access for some reason or another. So I bought a brand new oil can from Halfords and converted it with the addition of a flexible pipe to connect to the bleed nipple. The oil can did not work because it was pumping brake fluid and air bubbles at the same time so pretty much a non starter. After further examination, it would appear that this oil can couldn’t pump enough fluid to do much at all because it doesn’t even have a seal in the pump, it’s just junk. So we’ve come up with plan ‘B’ which was using a Hozelock garden pressurised sprayer. Took the outer of the nozzle off from the sprayer that you would ordinarily use to adjust the spray pattern and tried to get the flexible pipe on but it was tight so had to resort to the heat gun to warm it, that said it still wouldn’t work because the pipe then constricted on to the side facing outlets and stifled our attempts so I got a miniature drill into the head to drill a front facing outlet to get the fluid straight into the tube. Long story short, worked a treat and bled each wheel in seconds. Still had to bleed in a conventional manner just to pump fluid out of the system or it would have over flowed in the remote reservoir. The great thing was that bleeding backwards is almost a one man show apart from keeping an eye on the fluid levels but you’re chasing the air bubbles up hill not trying to force them quickly down hill. I’ll get a picture or two up tomorrow I guess.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, so,,, what’s next. :)
First picture, you can see the reflection of my van in what is left of the mirror and the paint on my old radio and all over the stereo. The second picture is the naughty naughty little paint can that fooled me into thinking it had lost its pressure and ironically the new stainless steel parts cleaner is covered in paint and filthy and the Tilley lamp was in the blast centre too.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,now then ,,,,, brakes :)
I didn’t know you could get galv spray paint from Screwfix, I won’t forget that in a hurry 😜
I didn’t know you could get galv spray paint from Screwfix, I won’t forget that in a hurry 😜
That may in fact still be a possibility but you have to bear in mind that this naughty little can was out of date in 2019 so I’m guessing I must have bought it at least four years prior to then. Screwfix won’t stock anything if there’s anything like any possible issues with stuff.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,just wait till I take these pictures up Screwfix :)
White Lines ???
Any ideas guys, for lining the letters on my tyres. Not had much success in longevity with this and it’s a proper pain in the bum to do . It’s almost like a job for life using these white pens that are plastic tipped and it’ll splodge everywhere unless you’re super careful. I’ve tried a few different things but it needs to be fairly controllable too.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,looks great when done.

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