Single port? Twin port? How do you tell

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Well-known member
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
This may be a stupid question but how do I know which type of engine I have?

follow the inlet manifold from the carb down to where they bolt on to heads, if the manifold stays as one 'tube' where it bolts on,then its a SP if it looks like it splits into two, then its a TP!

can't find any clear pics for you, but follow this link and a bit down the page there is some SP and some TP manifolds for sale,examine them and the above should become clear. basically the pipe goes from the carb and either splits into two or stay's as one.

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Also twin port manifold is in 3 paces left and right headers and center section connected together with rubber boots.
Hiya wonder,

I'm a big believer in pictures because I'm a visual learner myself. Here are a couple of pictures of my AutoStick Bug's engines that ought to help with this twinport versus singleport business.


In this picture we are looking at the intake manifold on a twinport. As has been mentioned the twinport manifold is basically a three piece affair: an end casting for each side and a center section upon which the carburetor sits. The end casting is designated by a red arrow while the center section is marked by a blue arrow. The yellow arrow points to the rubber "doughnut" gasket that seals the end casting to the center piece.

On the other hand a singleport manifold looks like this.........


It is all one piece from one end of the manifold to the other. So, no need for that "doughnut" gasket. The green arrow points to the area where that gasket would have been positioned had this been a twinport manifold.

Know that there are other ways to tell a twinport from a singleport but scanning the intake manifold is both the easiest and most common way of doing the job.
You probably have it now, but here are some more pics, showing our SINGLE PORT engine - you can see the single inlet pipe onto the cylinder head.


Thanks a lot for all the info and photos. I now know i have got a twinport!!

Knowledge is a wonderful thing! :D

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