I'm thinking of getting a solar panel kits for charging my leasure battery,so I can run my cool box during the day. The cool box draws 5A. So looking at 25W 10A kit on eBay. Does anyone have any suggestions. Ta Yoda.
Hey Yoda, there’s quite a comprehensive thread over on the late bay. Better still, it’s been running on and off for a couple of years so they’ve found out most of the gremlins and what really does work and what is just pretend stuff.
Ozziedog,,,,,,,, experiences count big time :mrgreen:
You will need much bigger than 25w to supply the fridge. If it isn't a compressor fridge then it will be a continuous draw of 5 amps so during the day you will need to replenish what you use during the night. Assuming a 50/50 day/night split you will need to charge 10a during the day with a suitably large battery.
I finished fitting a 100w panel to mine this weekend and the max power output for it in perfect conditions is a shade under 5a so you will probably need 2-300w of it's a thermo-electric cool box