Streetboys old Bus

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Not this year.
The rear seat has been removed so just the double behind the drivers seat is staying.The whole rear is being turned into a bed untill the winter when im going to fit a RnR bed n propper
camping interior.
If they come up for grabs youl be the 1st to know(Although you will probably have some by then).
Hoosier said:

I think this window needs a bit more persuasion as it doesn't seem to be sitting quite right. Not a critisism, just worried it will let water in or work itself lose.

Any joy with those ducts?

Cheers for the heads up :oops: will take a look tomorrow, well spotted though.
The ducts are also in my(ever increasing) things to do list :mrgreen:
Cheers BTW
Just had my roof and sunroof painted :cool0008: (and bumpers).
The rear bumper was dented but has been straightend n filled. Its not 100% but itl do till i get the whole of the body resprayed (OG) in a few years + its all totaly rust free now. Wanted a more Old English white so went to the paint suppliers and hand picked this colour.





Just got to get all the wheels shotblasted and in matching paint now :innocent0001:
Very nice,ask your sprayer when can I bring mine up!
Did you leave the windscreen in?
Does the sunroof clear okay when you open it?
paul said:
Very nice,ask your sprayer when can I bring mine up!
Did you leave the windscreen in?
Does the sunroof clear okay when you open it?
Yeh, the screen was only fitted a few weeks ago and was left in for the respray.Foresight is a wonderfull thing :roll: . Theres a small patch of overspray (at the top of the screen near the centre mirror) on the rubber but will easily be removed with thinners.
No i havnt tried the roof yet but im sure itl be ok :mrgreen: just need to get a seal now.Havnt actualy touched the van since it was painted. May refit the bumpers tomorrow. MOT due in a week or so.
Taken today, bumpers on :mrgreen:


Going on a family outing Saturday(weather permitting) Better get the Wash N Wax out :mrgreen:
Yeah looks cool Rich 8)
Change those plates :roll:

Scott, having dug around an awful lot on websites and free ads etc in the US, I have found quite a number of sunroof Deluxes.
Theres a bloke that trades at Santapod that sells real nice pressed ally plates.Im hopefully doing easter thunderball this year.Also hoping he will be there :mrgreen:
He was at Bigbang :mrgreen:



Got a few more stickers as well now :mrgreen:
I was wondering if your roof painter might like to do another one?
really makes the bus stand out now.
nb My TFL sticker is on the side window.
thanks Paul
Whats your roof condition like? Rust,dented? or just need a fresh lick a paint?
Will try n get hold of him.

Rich :mrgreen:
Rusted yes not gutters thou
Dented yes one at front and one at back possibly in transit from US
Sunroof like yours,cloud white roof,Montana rot the rest.
thanks for taking the time on this.
regards Paul
He hasnt replied to the text i sent last night, il try again tomorrow.
You wanting the same colour?
Cloud white all over only problem is the sunroof is a replacement and is orange!
Might need a few coats!
Theres no rush on this its just that it really smartened yours up and if the price is good could do the same to mine.
regards Paul
Not realy done a lot to the bus lately. Other things to do, skint :mrgreen: etc....

Have treated it to a bash with a lowering stick though 8)



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