Evening all - well today has been a pretty busy one!
After a quiet winter of studying and working as well as playing with my GTI I cracked on this morning starting to get Murphy ready for this year!
I started out with a lovely running camper this morning - even managed a lap around the block to get the oil nice and warm!
Garage was tidied in preparation for the strip down and recommissioning
Once the bus was returned to the garage, he was put up in the air on axle stands
Engine oil was then drained
All electrical connections to engine were labelled and disconnected
Fuel hose was removed and clamped
Heat exchangers and cables disconnected
Rear valence, bumper and towbar off (bloody heavy that Gadget towbar)
Vintage Speed Exhaust off
Engine was disconnected from the gearbox and removed from the bus
Gearbox oil was then drained - nasty stuff even though it was only 3 years old
With the engine out I decided to tackle some of the jobs I have been meaning to do for nearly a year
After removing the alternator, fan shroud, alternator stand, twin port mainfold, coil, front tinwear, and other assorted bits I got one with this
Both the manifold gaskets were perished and needed replacing
Oil cooler was weeping and I had a lovely new replacement to install
Mystery oil leak to find
Sump needs to be removed to properly connect the oil strainer bolt
Replace top pulley with a billet item
Replace leaky rocker cover gaskets
Replace Spark Plugs
Replace Dizzy Cap
Replace Rotor Arm
Replace Fan Belt
Replace Engine Mounts
Replace cardboard heater pipes LH & RH with Stainless tubing
Upgrade and install Late Bay Clutch release bearing and clutch release arm
Replace fuel filter
Replace sump oil strainer, base plate and gaskets
Replace engine and gearbox oil
Reseal and renew leaky Alternator Stand gasket and oil deflector plate
Now for some pics of my progress - things have ground to a halt at the minute as I am waiting on parts
Nice tidy garage first thing this morning
Engine getting ready for removal
Perished and cracked manifold gaskets
Getting closer
And he's out!
Stripping the block down for access to all the bits that need renewing
Nasty old oil cooler
And gone!
New vs Old - anyone spot the surprised face on the coolers :msn4:
Fresh seals and mounted back onto the block
Manifold off
Fresh spark plugs all round
Will continue when the parts arrive from Heritage, Machine 7, Cool Air and probably some bits from B&Q in there too!
Need a nice glass of vino now