*god is in the detail*
take that thing up there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
just looking at the front panel, and the way that 'everything' on the front panel sits on that raised pressing - to me it draws your eye from the edges to the centre, where the VW roundel sits, and as the focal point of the front of the bus (there's no other reason for it to be there) it makes perfect sense to give it its own slightly further raised 'plinth'.
now my bus hasn't got one of these, and i'm not gonna go out and lash a brazilian front panel onto it just for the sake of it, but i can appreciate the evolution of the design.
similar thing with the mirrors... they're not going to win any beauty contests, even when they're tarted up and sprayed pastel white or whatever, but then the original chrome mirrors weren't exactly award-winning either were they ?
blah blah blah.
on the flip side, the roof looks hideous in that photo :shock: