That time of year again...

Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2012
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Hi all, we've owned our 71 dormobile since 97. It's never really had a proper restoration as such it's always been more of a rolling repair. It's had all the usual suspects replaced (steps sils arches rear quarters.) It seems that each time the mot comes around it costs more and more mostly for welding. last year it was £800 and this year it's failed on 20 odd things and 6 advisories. They haven't given me the price for it all yet. Some years ago I ran it as my company car. I've since been running hatch backs instead and only using the bay occasionally. It seems that the standing for long periods doesn't suit the oldtimmer so it looks like it might become my company car again. I'd like to post pics but I don't do file shrinking ?
Hi, just set up a photobucket account, only takes afew mins & is free, then it's dead easy to post pictures on here.
Hi there frod,, maybe that old tinworm just keeps eating away at your bus, and has been doing so for forty odd years. If there is some rust in there then it may stand to reason that other parts are being attacked all along so when he gets his check over once a year,, they are probably finding stuff that may have been ok when he was a youngster of thirty or thirty five years old :lol: Maybe it`s time to get them to go right through it and get as much out as possible then get him waxoiled or such like. Maybe the company car period exposed him to an extra dose of salt in the winters that`s finally eating away at him. Anyhow good luck with it and the photos go on easy if you use photobucket or similar ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, And a big welcome to you toooooo!! :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:
Ok here's a quick pic of 'Frod' or maybe not. So I've got a photo bucket account. so how do you get the pic from phobukt to here?
I've tried posting pics this way before with no joy. I've been in touch with the mot /repair centre and all the welding was done by Friday. Hopefully the other work will be done over the next few days. I've got a few jobs to do myself to get it ready for window cleaning when my other vehicle is scrapped. I'll let you know how I get on.
Well we went over to the garage and it cost less than last year so that wasn't so bad. The ball joints on the front end have been replaced so the steering is very different than the sloppy set up it's always had before. Still struggling with the pics. Frod's back at home and I've yet to put all the camping stuff back in." onclick=";return false;
What a beauty, I was expecting to see a right pile of rubbish going by Frods intro!!

Tho being S reg makes it 5 years younger than other earlies ;)
Like me Frod looks better from the back. Most vans will look good when it's raining. Three conditions not to buy a vehicle in.....Dark, rain or whilst drunk. I've done the first two, both to my regret.

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