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Jan 24, 2010
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East Brizzal
The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million to one they said. The chances of anything,,, coming from Mars are a million to one,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but,,,, still,,, they come.
Driving out of Bristol last night on our way to a meal with some good friends,, went to the White Hart at Ford, just outside of Chippenham. If you`re looking for a nice feed then would really recommend this one, unusually I couldn`t decide what to have,,,, normally have steak but get a bit fed up with myself for not trying other stuff. So they had pork belly and various home made pies etc etc etc etc, I changed my mind about five times while waiting for the waitress and when she came, I ordered ham egg and chips :shock: now what was that all about ??? You can have that any time, so what possessed me to order ham egg and chips ?? Gotta say it was rather superb,,,, but,,, ?? Any how,,,,,,,, I digress,, so we`re off to Ford yesterday evening about sevenish and we`d spotted a few balloons around and were commenting on the lovely bright colours, every colour you could possibly imagine in every shade ever invented. We also saw lots of different shapes,, there was a chickens head, a battery, several houses and barns, a pyramid and the list goes on and on and on (bit like me really). So we`re driving down the ring road and the balloons are drifting gently across us and we see a few more and a few more until we turn and Head east on the 420 towards Chippenham. There`s quite a lot of them,,,,,,,, a lot more than I`d seen before,,,,,,,, a lot more than I`d ever seen before :shock: So we`re heading east,, then I noticed, they were flying a lot lower than normal,, a lot lower and a lot closer together, they were also closer together for another reason, and that was because there were just so many of them. As I get to the edge of town and heading into the countryside ,, I can see further because of the fields and lack of houses, I can`t beleive how many I can see, all the colours ,, all the shapes and they`re all going the same way. Something sinister seems to be happening, I can now see other balloons as well, much higher, dancing in and out of the clouds, they look like outriders to the main fleet of them, I know they`re all going the same way because that`s where the breeze takes them, and there`s nothing at all sinister really. So we go along the 420 and the sky seems to be alive with them and we go through Wick a smashing little country village all but joined to Bristol now days,, gently passed the speed camera and out the other side onto the open road, and as we hit the countryside proper,,,,,, there are balloons for miles and miles. As you come out of Wick you see the fields and the cows and lovely countryside and the 420 hits one of the steepest hills for miles around, Tog Hill, not quite managed to get up Tog Hill in top gear yet in Sherbie (my bus) ,, so up we go,,had a pretty good run up too, can`t quite hold full throttle on the first bend and loose a little speed because of the bumps and the bend and we`re now heading for the main part of the hill at full bore,, 60ish ,,yeah, go Sherbie,55, might still make it, 50, oh maybe,, 45 this is where the torque is,, 40, 35 hit the clutch and cog down,, Ah well ,, next time we`ll empty the bus out and might make it to the top. So in third we climb Tog Hill and I`ve got plenty of time to look in the mirror, but the bends and the trees hide everything, have you ever had that feeling,, you know,, where someone is following you ???? Get to the top of Tog Hill and I says to Mrs Ozziedog,, we got plenty of time,,, I`m gonna pull over at the picnic ground on the top of the hill and check the oil and have a look over Bristol. So we turn off the 420 and head for the picnic ground and pull round the corner . Half of Bristol and Bath have had the same idea,,,,,,,, there`s cars everywhere. Drive up and down the largeish car park and not a space to be had, go round again ,, not a space to be had and there are now people queueing to get in and people double parking and virtually abandoning their cars :shock: S0 we triple park near the exit so as not to get blocked in. I walk over to the main viewing area and try to get to the front to have a real good look,, had to use my weight and shove some kids out of the way with my belly and still couldn`t get to the front. People standing around all over the place,,, just staring,, just staring out over the outskirts of Bristol from the Hill,, Balloons ,,, balloons everywhere, in little armadas at various heights,, some above us , some level with us,, and hundreds and hundreds of them below us. Hardly anyone is talking, they`re all just looking, just staring at this incredible sight,, then a song came into my head, ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, The chances of anything coming from Mars,,,,,,,,,,,,, :mrgreen:
that will be cos theres a ballon rally then :msn4: was on the one show friday with angila ripoff live from a ballon 2foot of the ground in a dodgey one show tradition :roll:
we only had two out last night, there used to be 3 red Virgin baloons that came out and another one that tagged along every now and then, but nothing quite as impressive as yours.
Yeah,,,,, it`s the Bristol balloon fiesta. I think it`s one of the biggest fiestas in the world. They`re out again this morning, flippin loads of em. Never seen this many before though, and not like last night. Goes on all weekend I think (again,,, a bit like me) :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Overrun with balloons :mrgreen: 8) :mrgreen:
I miss the balloon festival which use to be held on Southampton common. Them there were the days ;)
ozzie your mentally hilarious......long may your madness continue :lol:

enjoyed that one , your not always full of hot air.......balloons are though :mrgreen:
So maybe that see through perspex roof in the bus is a good idea after all Oz? you & Mrs dog could have parked up and lay in the back of the bus staring at a mass of big round squidgy wallowing things full of hot air (reminds me, I need to pick Mrs.Doris up from aquacise in a bit :msn4: ).

ozzidog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I got a crick in my neck :mrgreen: 8) :mrgreen:
Ooro and Doris,, I think you two dudes are probably,,,,, and this may not be a good thing,,, the most tuned in to my ,,,, madness / sense of mis direction, but I really do enjoy your quips. Some people think I`m a bit bonkers, well that`s OK,, because I know I`m a bit bonkers. The weird thing is,,, I haven`t actually met you yet :shock: either of you !! So my next big adventure is Oktober fest at Cheddar,,,,,,,,,,, any of you coming ?????????? We`ll do it one day and all get pi55ed together,,

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,Cheddar anyone ?????
You sure know how to spin a yarn Ozzie!

I used to love the balloon thing every year back when I live in Bristol. One of my clearest childhood memories is of when one of the balloons came down in the park close to my house and me and my brothers nipped round to see it up close. The pilots couldn't get it off the ground again for some reason so asked the 50-odd kids who had all turned out for it to help deflate it by sitting on and rolling around the balloon.

Freaking awesome.

Was in Luxembourg a little over a week ago and saw 3 balloons and it instantly reminded me of this too.

Must try make it down south with my camera and gear for the next one. My van will be healthy by then, right? :D

As for Oktoberfest - I will probably be working and/or partying there 8)
Must invest in some polystyrene fishing boxes for my beers this time round though, eh? :D
No idea if I will be in Lily though, we shall see how things go with my engine rebuild and MOT when I get back to sunny old England!
Hey George,,,, hope you`re having a real good time :mrgreen: Be good to see you in Cheddar. Don`t know if I told you about me going tea total and not drinking anymore, so you`ll have to get pi55ed on your own :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,Believe that and you`ll beleive anything,, :lol: :lol: :lol:

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