The dreaded petrol smell !

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gr00veg0d said:
shiplee123 said:
I see cool air do some half decent looking caps" onclick=";return false;

That looks exactly the same as one I got from - completely useless, damn thing wouldn't lock :evil:

I have one of these. It locks OK (it did get jammed just the once on a busy forecourt :oops: ) although I do occasionally get a whiff of petrol, but only occasionally mind. For the money it might be worth trying.

The added security of knowing that some drunken tosser can't drop a match in your tank when you are asleep is a big plus IMHO (but that is off topic - sorry).
Did you check the vent pipe that runs from the top of the tank, if it's like mine which was missing there will be 2 more rubbers to check one at each end. I've seen some tanks with 2 breather pipes :shock:
shiplee123 said:
I see cool air do some half decent looking caps" onclick=";return false;

I have this lockable cap. a bit fiddly with such a small key, but when its on its on. however I have the same problem......a definate smell of petrol when I fill up, and it definately comes from around the filler cap area. I just presumed its because of the locking cap as I never noticed the smell when I had my original cap fitted.

Own a Bay?.........Feel the Love!
see even though i am considered by most as a complete drunken retard, i actually am the font of all knowledge, esp when it comes to work, money and women. :msn4:
Graham L said:
john the horse said:
i got an easy fix for ya that it maybe, and it wont take 10 seconds, fuel filler cap seal, if that aint got a seal ya van will stink of fuel, if its not there glue a new one in or a disc of rubber under it , our was like this and fixed in less time that it took to write this.


Hard to believe but I agree with JTH

HAHA see im a ******* genius Graham
john the horse said:
Graham L said:
john the horse said:
i got an easy fix for ya that it maybe, and it wont take 10 seconds, fuel filler cap seal, if that aint got a seal ya van will stink of fuel, if its not there glue a new one in or a disc of rubber under it , our was like this and fixed in less time that it took to write this.


Hard to believe but I agree with JTH

HAHA see im a ******* genius Graham

John is a gentleman after my own heart. We have devoted our lives to not losing / dripping / dropping / wasting liquid of any type. Therefore because of our pride in this field Mr JTH is considered to be a liquid loss expert :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Goes without saying really :lol:

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