hasthespaz said:
My only gripe is that its hard to see which threads have new posts in them..
otherwise.. IT'S FANTASTIC!
I have the same problem
there are 2 stylesets that bundle with phpBB3 "Prosilver" and "Subsilver2", subsilver 2 has the same icons as the old forum, maybe if mike changed the style to this is would be easier to navigate??
We have a couple of designers.... raise your hands? they could redesign each of the icons to suit Mike? there are around 37 different icons in total for posts. we have changed a few of ours like this http://www.nboc.org.uk (sorry for the shameless plug) but it works well.
I've bundled the forum icons in a .zip If any of the designers want a pop at changing them. You can download forum icons from this link
FORUM ICONS (dont change file names)