transmission question for t4 > t1 engine swap

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skin daddio

Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
i want to remove my t4 engine from a 75 westy, and install an upright in its place. i currently have the stock tranny installed, would i have to change that out for something of earlybay vintage? [looking for help with tin, listed in wanteds: non-earlybay]
its not the age of the gearbox that is a problem as all 1600 engines fit all 1600 boxes of all years - the only real differences between early and late boxes are the mounting lugs on the bellhousing and a different U type nose mounting - both bellhousing and front mounts are interchangeable. You could put a 1600 early bay box in but it would not have any mounting lugs over the gearbox (you dont mention if your van has these or not)

When you fit the t1 engine to the t4 gearbox you will find the input shaft is a different length - the later gearboxes used with the t4 engine have a 10mm longer input shaft. this can be cut down to accomodate the t1 engine or you can install the input shaft from a donor 1600 box (better solution IMO).

To keep things simple I would also use a 1600 bell housing and starter.
thanks for that useful info.

since i have a t4 engine originally in place, sounds like the input shaft is going to be longer though it is the last of the 002 trannys. i have a spare early bell house and starter, and now its a matter of finding the correct tin, as well as the shorter shaft.

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