'Trying' to be a bit philosophical

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This thread has kinda got to me :shock: I’ve been doing my job now for over 30 years and long gone are the days of relishing in going into work and job satisfaction. It is now purely a vehicle to pay my mortgage and bills. That said I don’t do so bad for wages, better than a lot, but I’m an old man in a young mans game and finding it hard. It’s become the same old same old and I guess. For about the last 5 years I have been feeling disenchanted with it, and feeling like my whole life has been lacking direction. (Sounds like the old ‘mid life crises’ alright) I suppose we have all had those conversations about what we would do if we won the lottery, how we would tell the boss to stick his job where the sun don’t shine and what we would do with all that cash. Just talking about it gives you a little lift until reality kicks in and slaps you round the face as the prospect of another day at the workhouse kicks in.

But you know? you have to be thankful for what you have, and it’s all to easy to forget it as you become caught up in life’s great rut. I still can work, I have a wife who is magic, she lets me have my toys and my hobbies and is always supportive. We have three great kids, good friends, a decent house, and as I write I glance outside the front window and under the porch light sits our bus from which we derive a great deal of pleasure from :)

So life ain’t really so bad, we perhaps need to tweek and fine tune things a bit, and maybe push on with instead of talking about changes in our lives.
Yes I would welcome a lottery win, of course I would, but life is about making the best of what you have right now, and not a million to one chance that things are going to change overnight for you.

Jesus enough already!, I'm blaming all this drivel on the Stella's :lol:
streetboy said:
Jesus enough already!, I'm blaming all this drivel on the Stella's :lol:


Nice thread ,I wish I had more time to do the things I want ....I met a bloke from Liverpool this year, he hated his job and had 12 more years to do before his pension ,having a mortgage etc I guess he had no choice ,just felt for the guy... :(

If you move somewhere cheap and still nice you can lose the mortgage... ;) :D
Somewhere like France perhaps! :lol:

If we can't all win the lottery or move to France we could all just be thankful that the majority, if not all, the users of this forum site comfortably in the top 10% and probably 5% of wealth owners in the World
Sydney1 said:
we could all just be thankful that the majority, if not all, the users of this forum site comfortably in the top 10% and probably 5% of wealth owners in the World

now thats philosophical!
Love your thoughts Streetboy,
Dandaz, I agree. GET A SMALLER HOUSE.
Sydney1 you are deeeeeeeep :lol: we are wealthy compared to most. Trouble is, we all buy into the commercialism that we're brain washed into thinking we 'need' every day. :(

It's just very sad when people feel trapped. That said, I have only done my job for 9 years and I have 24 years left on my mortgage. Who knows how I'll feel in 10 years :lol:
streetboy said:
This thread has kinda got to me :shock: I’ve been doing my job now for over 30 years and long gone are the days of relishing in going into work and job satisfaction. It is now purely a vehicle to pay my mortgage and bills. That said I don’t do so bad for wages, better than a lot, but I’m an old man in a young mans game and finding it hard. It’s become the same old same old and I guess. For about the last 5 years I have been feeling disenchanted with it, and feeling like my whole life has been lacking direction. (Sounds like the old ‘mid life crises’ alright) I suppose we have all had those conversations about what we would do if we won the lottery, how we would tell the boss to stick his job where the sun don’t shine and what we would do with all that cash. Just talking about it gives you a little lift until reality kicks in and slaps you round the face as the prospect of another day at the workhouse kicks in.

After reading the first part, I wanted to pop round and give you a hug :mrgreen:

Thank god for drink I say ;)
Woah! did I write all that? :oops: nasty stuff that Stella :lol: but as the saying goes it loosens the tongue ;)
Sometimes we could all do with a hug gninnam :D
Dandaz, moving somewhere cheaper and ditching mortgage has a nice ring to it ;)
streetboy said:
Woah! did I write all that? :oops: nasty stuff that Stella :lol: but as the saying goes it loosens the tongue ;)
Sometimes we could all do with a hug gninnam :D
Dandaz, moving somewhere cheaper and ditching mortgage has a nice ring to it ;)

Right that's it, next EB line up will have to include a group hug :mrgreen:
Many moons ago i was on an air diving job in Bahrain and we were on the nightshift one balmy summer night, Diver in the water and the rest of us sat on the back end of the boat , coffee, and bullsh~t awaiting our turn. So i came up with the old "what would you do if you could do any job in the world?" So we each took turns in describing our wild and wonderfull pipe dreams.... we had the obligitury world renown sportsman, (clint i think) War corraspondent (forget who), fighter piolots, treasure hunter (me), Astranaught..... you name it. Anyway it came to Dave Greens turn and he looks :lol: up and says in his strong northern accent.. "I'd be a fireman me!"
We've immediately crucified him for his lack of immagination (not to say that fireman are not the dogs cahonas, just that he'd kinda missed the point. Anyway, after a good amount of abuse later, we got another brew on and sat back listening to the water splashing up the side of the boat till i threw in "Ok then what if you won £10 million on the lottery?" Again we took turns and out came the 'quit work and travel the world, open a cattle ranch , collect vintage cars, sail round the world, and other crackers till it again came to Greeny's turn To which he promptly piped up........"I'd buy my OWN fire engine!!!!!!" :lol: Totally straight faced! :shock:

Well lambasted as he was i was always a little envious of dave :msn4:
froggy said:
Hands above the waste though :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe a group beer would be a better idea 8)

You big puff, afraid of your feminine side. You know what they say about those dudes :msn4: :lol:
windsurfer said:
froggy said:
Hands above the waste though :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe a group beer would be a better idea 8)

You big puff, afraid of your feminine side. You know what they say about those dudes :msn4: :lol:
Afraid i might enjoy it and not let go ;) ;) :mrgreen: