Vanspace - has anyone here used it?

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May 29, 2020
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Hi all,

Has anyone here used the Vanspace software for planning out your campervan? If so, what did you think if it?

I purchased it the other night on a whim as I own a T2 early bay and a T5 and thought it mightbe fun to plan out their interiors. The advert videos seem pretty good, and the concept of drag and drop seems to be an ideal way of trying out an interior before committing. What the hell I thought...

So my initial thougths on it were dissapointing to say the least and a couple of things stood out...

Despit there being a myriad of vans to choose from, everything is a pannel van so you can add your own windows. Now this sort of makes sense but you get three window types to choose from and all the choices are just not quite right. This is especially noticeable on the older vans, in a broard generalisation most T2's don't start as panel vans when we buy them, they already have a number of windows right?

Sticking with our beloved T2, there is no raised engine bay in the base model. Now I am told that T2 owners asked for that to be removed but I am pretty confident in saying that there aint no way you're driving a T2 with a flat bulkhead to rear hatch floor. An accurate model, I think not, frustrating.

Lastly, for me, the naming conventions are nonsense. I'm told that copyright wont allow their T5 models to be called T5s or even Transporters but the T2, T4 and T6 are ok. With several models of T5 available it's hard to know what van you're selecting.

Now I appreciate that it takes a lot of work to build 3d models of the huge variety of vans out there but getting the basics right is surely a good place to start?

Has anyone used anything similar or is it time to break out the old pen and paper?

Anyhoo, rant/observation over. I am sure Vanspace is run by nice people but the initial encounter has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Hope you're all well,

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