VW ACTION: RIP Anthony 'The Dude'

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I just felt i should post a tribute to a good friend Anthony who passed away at Action at the weekend, he was getting married and this was his stag which makes it even harder :cry:

He was a a fellow club member in the NBOC with me and Pete who posted on VZI something i thought was a great tribute to the man...

Anthony was a great guy, deeply knowledgeable about VWs and always keen to help others, the loss of his sense of humour and huge personality will leave a huge hole in the Irish VW scene that will never be replaced. He was a true dubber, doing his own thing his own way while always caring about other people around him. the life and soul will be missing from the NBOC now that hes not there. RIP Anthony, we're all going to miss you mate. I can only imagine that a VW show would be where you would have wanted to say goodbye to the world, just a shame it was so soon.

I'm absolutely gutted.... i was very fond of Anthony, he was a top bloke, great craic and a larger than life character, always the first with advice or help... when we were looking for a place to put the Bays he was first on the phone to try and help out, thats the kind of person he was.

...gutted just totally gutted :cry:

My sympathies go out to Paul and Debbie and the whole family. RIP
One of the nicest guys I've ever met or would care to meet.Totally stunned :( R.I.P Anthony.
Allways sad to read news like this. :( A reminder to us all that life can be a funny game and that we need to make the most of the time we have as no one knows when it'll end.

My thoughts are with the family and friends.
Awful news, esp. when just about to embark on such a great new chapter in life. :(

Thoughts are with those who know and love him.
such sad news, a true gent and a great guy to deal with! I bought a bug of him maybe 3 months ago and been up gettin parts of him with my bro, always laughing and jokeing! A sad day indeed! Rest in peace The Dude, let's see a huge vw turnout to say goodbye!

heres a pic of the big man at work on one of about 3 or 4 projects he had this year alone. :(

weirdly his absolutely stunning GT beetle, which was finished a few months ago is on NBOCs calender for September :(
Sad news, saw the ambulance coming in but didn't find out till last night when we got in. Condolences to his family and friends :(
Condolences to all friends and family :(
Thats awful :(..... sounds like he was a top bloke.

Not sure if i should ask, i don't want to upset anyone...... but what happened?
Ant, I can't really say anything at the moment as to what happened, but his passing was untimely and unexpected and a terrible shock to us all. The whole club and Irish VW scene is still completely stunned. Anthony was a quality restorer, made alot of the shows on the mainland and was one of the most enthuiastic dubbers i've ever met.

His tomato red GT beetle would have made the centre pages of any VW mag, it really was beautifully finished, absolutely no fillers just lead.


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