Washers failed MOT....Any suggestions

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Active member
Sep 19, 2013
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My washers on my 71 bay failed the MOT yesterday, Thought it was a bit mean as water does come out..! and it is a 43 years old and can not be compared to modern cars.

Any suggestions?

71bayauto said:
My washers on my 71 bay failed the MOT yesterday, Thought it was a bit mean as water does come out..! and it is a 43 years old and can not be compared to modern cars.

Any suggestions?


If its the air pressure system likely to be a perished hose. In the end I replaced mine with an electric pump (some like these others don't)
http://www.vwheritage.com/vw_spares_Washer-bottle-kit-electric-T2-68-79-complete-211953453ELC_act_shop.product_pID_212964.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I'd recomend one of these :mrgreen:
did it wet the windscreen,if so your testers a plonker for failing it.got lecky one on mine :msn4:
I replaced all my washer tubing with viton tubing from altec, and put mini hose clips on the joints. The system now holds pressure for more than 3 months!
http://www.altecweb.co.uk/home.asp?cat=Subcategory3320" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I've got one of they heritage ones and tbh doesn't really work that well ( sorry alex) as due to position of pump the bottle has to be more than half full for it to operate .
I'll prob be going back to my original one and just put a 12v pump(about 6quid from the ebay) inline with a small non return valve to stop pump losing prime . Had this in my last bug which worked a lot better than the Heritage/JK kit - just my tuppence worth
Alex VW Heritage said:

I'd recomend one of these :mrgreen:

I fitted one of these back in December. I use my bus all year round and with all the filth on the roads in winter, it's been one of the best things I've fitted for ages, wished I had done it ages ago. Cleans the windscreen a treat. Just need to keep it topped up. No brainer. :D
I've done the same as coopster
12v pump fitted close to the washer bottle and a momentary action push to make switch
Cost about £ 10 all in
Works a treat
Norm :D
I got the universal pump from halfrauds, as they did have a few different ones!
I used silicon hose - it grips like a bastard!
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-Metre-Silicone-Silicon-Vacuum-Hose-Turbo-Dump-Radiator-Rubber-Air-Vac-Pipe-/170699392398?pt=UK_DIY_Materials_Plumbing_MJ&var=&hash=item27be7a058e" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
norm said:
I've done the same as coopster
12v pump fitted close to the washer bottle and a momentary action push to make switch
Cost about £ 10 all in
Works a treat
Norm :D

That sounds a better bet than the JK kit, which came with no instructions. if I remember I had to position the pump below the water bottle … which i discovered through a process of elimination i.e. moving it after it didn't work in the first position :(
coopster said:
I've got one of they heritage ones and tbh doesn't really work that well ( sorry alex) as due to position of pump the bottle has to be more than half full for it to operate .
I'll prob be going back to my original one and just put a 12v pump(about 6quid from the ebay) inline with a small non return valve to stop pump losing prime . Had this in my last bug which worked a lot better than the Heritage/JK kit - just my tuppence worth

Also the pump fouls on the headlight bowel. I ended up inverting the pump and attaching a small bit of hose as a pickup. When the pump fails I will fit my original bottle, with external pump and use the breathable cap from this kit.

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