Westy cabinet handles

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Sheppey, kent
So after much searching, I'm assuming you can't get the grey handles anywhere? Just black or white?im also struggling to find a replacement rear westy interior light.

Also where's the best place to get hold of a set of the vw mud flaps and do people fit all four or just the rears?

And finally, whilst searching various sites a few days back I came across a vw torch that clips to the steering column, but I can't remember where! Anyone know where they are available ?

Thanks Brett.
myvanway 69 said:
Someone on here was selling NOS rear lights... I think...It was a while ago!
Handle, I would wait for the shows and get me the right one. 8)

Yeah il probably wait, every handle in the back has got a crack in it! Was gonna just replace them all with white, nut it can wait.
Valentine Won said:
Torch was from kieft and klok :)
I fancied it myself :mrgreen:

cheers shaun

I thought it was from there but I looked earlier and they are not on their site anymore, must have sold out, looked a pretty good little extra I thought.
Its still there
try this http://www.kieftenklok.net/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,1801/category_id,151/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,8/lang,en/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1801&category_id=151&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=8&lang=en&vmcchk=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Valentine Won said:
Its still there
try this http://www.kieftenklok.net/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,1801/category_id,151/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,8/lang,en/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1801&category_id=151&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=8&lang=en&vmcchk=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

£31 sheets.

Looks like overpriced jap crap. (IMO)
Cant someone on here get a batch of quality torches and fabricate a bracket??
The talent on here... me thinks so, Id have one and would pay decent money but not for that, it looks 'Proper *****'!!
Must be going mad, I couldn't find it at all. Don't half work out dear buying from them though doesn't it, with delivery and tax it's ridiculous. Think il give that a miss for a bit.
Yeah now I've seen it on the iPad it looks thin flimsy and cheap, when I first see it on the iPhone it look pretty cool. Good idea though.
If you took the ups delivery In total it's about 75euro!!
It's cleverly worded but clearly not an actual Westfalia torch ;)
67westy said:
I have 3 westy rear lights for sale

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
The large interior rear light? Good condition? Price?

This one?
mike202 said:
here you go :)

http://www.gowesty.com/ec_view_details.php?id=2434&category_id=126&category_parent_id=" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Cheers for the link, these seem the wrong colour though?
That's the fella, the lenses have small cracks but it's just cosmetic. New switches fitted last year. Difficult to get good pics but here's some old ones I have, will try and get better ones if you want, £20 posted each:

Number 1:


Number 2:


The third one is in similar condition but old switches

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