What do you do for insurance if your bus is off the road?

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Well-known member
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May 22, 2009
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My Bus is off the road at a farm and I'm restoring it, the insurance has come up for renewal and whilst its not expensive (120 quid a year) I don't see the point in having it insured when its not going anywhere and if anyone wanted to steal it they would have to put in a serious effort (not to say that it couldn't happen of course) but they would be stealing a shell with gaping holes etc etc
Years ago I'm sure you could get off the road type insurance but the current insurer Equity Red Star via RH Specialist say they can't offer anything less than I have.
I can cancel the renewal which I will probably do but once the restoration is moving along I'm going to need to remember to start anew again incase it does get thieved.
What do other do in this scenario?

I keep renewing mine (£90) in the vain hope that during that year, it will be road legal - after 5 years of insurance etc, still not..... :cry:

But, for piece of mind I think its worth it ;)
Later on this year CIE (Continuous Insurance Enforcement) will come in and then every vehicle has to be insured. You'll be OK for now though if you let it lapse.

Just checked the details and you'll be OK if it is SORNed. If it is taxed then you will have to have insurance.
For the sake of £120 i would just re-insure it, you only need a stray spark when welding / grinding and the bus catches fire then its goodbye, for the peice of mind i would jus pay it
for the cost of it, I just leave it running.not worth the risk imho.the price of Bay's now makes it worth putting a lot of effort in to stealing one unfortunatley,hence the stories of Bay's being lifted onto wagons etc.

£110 a year - thats about 1 and a half tanks of fuel for the Vectra.
It's definitely worth having it insured whilst it's off the road - I lost my old one in a unit fire. You just never know...

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