giving ar lass a hand at work the other morning i bent over to pick some rubbish up and felt a little prick in the parm of my hand(not that prick)
. thought nowt of it within 2 mins max my heart was pounding head thumping and i keeled over straight though a table. i dont recall owt for 15 mins, then i was ok. abit later the i noticed the back of my hand was swelling up, the misses made me go to the quack's who then sent me to A&E :roll: after 9 hours i was back home having had more needles than a pin cusion, x-rays, microscopes and all they couldn't find any puncher marks or owt but my hand has now swollen from my elbow to the tips of my fingers. it took 4 days for the swelling to go down and i still dont know what happen or what it was the hospital think it was an insect . what i dont understand is i'm tougher than a rhino's arse, never ill never have colds or flu i never get owt, i've had bee stings, wasp stings, rat bites but nothing affects me so i havent a clue on what it was anybody any ideas!!!!!! cheers phil