Where do you keep your van?

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Jul 25, 2007
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No I dont want names and addresses so I can come and pinch them.... but where physically do you keep them??

I managed to finally score a council lock up (my teeny house garage is already full) and am off to check it out tonight. :D Is it possible to get one in a standard garage?? Or do I stick to putting the beetle in it and leaving the bay outside (has already been vandalised :( )

Is there any tricks so you can get a bay in a std garage? (Apart from lower/ let the tyres down.....

How high is a bay anyway?
Had that issue when I got my Devon .. it fits snuggly in my garage but then my garage was built to potentially have another storey on top so I think its quite high ... I think my Devon with std poptop stands at about 6' 2" or so - it certainly gets under a 2.1m parking bar easily ...
I've mentioned this before, but when my bus originally went into my garage (it hasn't been out since!) I had all the air out of all four tyres, and my whole family in the front to get it through the door!

Measure carefully, reverse it in slowly, keep everything crossed!

Oh, and go for a garage with light/power if you can - summer won't be here for ever and that way at least you can get a heater in there!!

Oh its literally just a lock up, am just planning to store it in there (if it fits)while I collect bits to restore it, but the sooner out of the weather the better as its a mess (door off hinges etc)

Can garage doors be 'modified'?

EarlyBay.... you must have a big garage to fit it in with a pop top too!!!

Mines just a tin top so that helps... anyone know the height of one???
Mine and Nic's are kept on our respective drives. The plan is with the next place though to build a garage capable of fitting a camper in.
Mine is a tintop, but it only just goes in my garage with an up and over door. And it is lowered 4 or 5 inches.

Outward opening doors would be much easier to accomodate a van.

Also, check the length of the garage. I find my garage door can only be shut if the van is reversed into the garage. Otherwise the garage door scrapes on the gutter, even if the van nose is touching the wall.
Mine is at my parents place, they just moved there with a large double garage

Unfortunatly it was built with migets in mind :evil: I have to duck when i walk in, the Westy got no hope!

Plan B

Bought one of those tent/garages and awaiting delivery.........
We are renting a house on a farm and one of the perks that comes in with the rent is a massive lockable space in an adjoining barn with room for four cars where I can keep my bus and fastback out of harms way.

Downside is it's not ours and the barn has loads of fine dust blowing about and no power, still lucky to have it though.
luckily i bought a block of three flats (mortgaged to the hilt. in 20 years rodney we'll be millionares) that had a workshop atatched to the side so i kind of inherited the space for the camper in the deal.
im currently building a purpose built workshop at the site so i can turn my hobby into a living (but that is way in the future). my camper recides there while i spend less time than i would like rebuilding it.
We had an 'up and over' door fitted into the garage when we moved recently. The garage is a good size but the up and over door was a big fat 'no' with the van and a roofrack, it would have ripped right off!!

so we kept some cash aside from the move and in the first few days after we moved in parted with £1300 and had a new electric roller shutter garage door put there instead... :shock:

we had no choice as the garage is brick built and it would have been more expensive to alter the opening. The things we all do to accomodate our vans eh?

it's great though as you can park right up against the door, even when opening and closing it..
Mine is a stock height Westy with a pop top and it'll creep under a 6' 10" barrier with a couple of inches spare. Get a gash set of rims and take the tyres off.
carole said:
We had an 'up and over' door fitted into the garage when we moved recently. The garage is a good size but the up and over door was a big fat 'no' with the van and a roofrack, it would have ripped right off!!

so we kept some cash aside from the move and in the first few days after we moved in parted with £1300 and had a new electric roller shutter garage door put there instead... :shock:

we had no choice as the garage is brick built and it would have been more expensive to alter the opening. The things we all do to accomodate our vans eh?

it's great though as you can park right up against the door, even when opening and closing it..

I did exactly the same thing when we moved to our new place. Gives me a 7 foot opening under the door :D
Bloody expensive but an excellent option in my opinion. No draughts from it either for another cold winter working in the garage!
this is where I keep mine

can even drive it out with the popup roof extended 8)
in my rather large garage! roller shutter, power and at the end of my garden
i bought it last year and it came with a flat! my girlfriend lives in the flat, i spend most of my time in the garage :wink:
I built a large carport to put my van under for parking and room to work on her. It is 8.5M long, 3.5M wide and 3M tall with featherboard sides and large wooden doors to seal it one end. The 1 and half size prefab garage is yet to be put up and joined at the rear of the carport, but that will just be a workshop. Kettle, beer fridge and a microwave for pies and the miss' will never see me! :wink: :D
well...have the keys now.... But its tooooooo small :cry: the door is only about 5' 8" (not been in it yet) so I've no hope..... ah well least the bug is dry... but will have to keep searching for another one......
Mine is in a garage at me mums. Fits in well with room either side, but gonna be building one at me new house soon. (If i get some money back from the nasty stinking thieveses :roll: ) its gonna be purpose built to fit the old girl in. Front opening twin doors on the garage every time. up and overs take up far to much height space and the locks dangle down. :wink:

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