Which seats to go for

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Active member
Aug 15, 2012
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Hi to all
I am looking to fit seats into my 72 Bay.
Currently has a pair of Saab seats.
Has anyone experienced a better seat for comfort and period styling ?
Was told that Rover seats are good ?
Also considered splashing out on a set of Newton Commercial seats

Any thoughts anyone ?
Porsche 944/924 seats or Mazda MX5 are good. make sure you get something that is quite compact base and runners. I had Range Rover seats in my 72 years ago, they were real comfy but I sat too high up and my legs where very close to the steering wheel. In my 68 I kept the standard seats.
Interesting.. My brain says Porsche would be more suitable re build quality and structure ?

Are there any other Porsche models that would sit low enough and bolt in so to speak ?
if you can find any mk1 astra gte recaros are sweet(have some for my austin hot rod 8) )mk 2 golf gti fitted in my panel just right for me but short ***** wont reach the floor :msn4:
Tried Saab seats for a while but found them a bit of a compromise. Van is a keeper so splashed out on the Newton Commercials and havent regretted it for a minute.
What's wrong with the Saab seats ? I was thinking about these for mine as the 2 Saabs I've owned in the past were the most comfortable cars I've had in over 30 years driving :?:
Depends which Saab I guess.. The ones I have are too high and feel cramped when driving. Also my partner can't touch the floor with these ... Vertically challenged though she is !!
agaman said:
Depends which Saab I guess.. The ones I have are too high and feel cramped when driving. Also my partner can't touch the floor with these ... Vertically challenged though she is !!

Same problems I had. Also had a problem getting a near mint set of black leather seats and ended up with cloth which I regretted. Newton's admitedly vinyl but had the look I was after.
mine were out of a porsche carrera an the bases were thin enougph to bolt straight in b4 them i had scoby seats wich sat to high really, but my other vans had orignals in an given the choice now i would go back
Very interesting posts.. Seems like a big vote for original seats.. Mine have had the original mounting systems removed. Is it possible to refit original runners and seats ?
I have looked at a set of 1976 seats which looked very comfy. Also were the original drivers seat offcentre to the steering wheel ?

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