Which way to go?

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Since my bus arrived I have been pondering on quite how to renovate it. Its going to have the paintwork done over winter, but I'm in a bit of a quandry as how far to go with the interior and internal/external fittings.
For 41 years old the interior is pretty good. It has one tiny tear about an inch long in the headlining, and as you would expect some discolouration here and there despite a good clean up. Or should I replace with new? The seats are black basket weave and again pretty good apart from a couple of little marks and a slight tear on the top of the rear upright. The drivers seat swab has a tear but the back and passenger seat are pretty good. I could go to the expense of new covers but I'm torn between keeping and replacing/upgrading with good conditioned, if not perfect secondhand, or go for new.
As for the external fittings I'm replacing the beltline with new as putting the old ones back would just not look right, same as mirrors, seals etc etc. (will have beltline trim to dispose of later) ;)
What I'm looking for I guess is as nice and tidy and as original bus as I can without loosing that 41 year old feel to it, if that makes sense? Ah what to do? :?
Your own personal thoughts would be appreciated :D
personally i like a bus with a bit of character,........ they all have a different story to tell and i like to see og paint with the odd dent here and there and interior's with a battle scar or two, its almost impossible to replicate "patina" ive seen some pretty poor efforts and to me it never quite looks real, be a shame to lose what others try and fake..........having said that i do like a nice shiny bus as much as the next man but i wouldn't want to own one and be too scared to use it or poop myself every time i left it somewhere like a supermarket car park, in case somebody dented the side etc,so i suppose the ideal bus (imo) is a cross between the two,

i think what im trying to say is "perfect aint quite right"

just my opinion :D .........................kev
part of me would like a mint bus, my van ain't a all out rat looker but it does have some cool patina 8) i don't get that bothered about leaving it in town cos if it gets clipped it won't matter that much. but each to there own :D
Keep it OG if its not bad. The only time I would start again is if I started with a very shabby bus. Not load of buses around that are close to original.
Seems from the replies we are reading the same script. I will paint it but without spending hours and hours levelling every panel out, lets face it they were akin to a few waves and ripples from the factory.
The exterior chrome will be changed where It needs to be. The interior I want to keep original and see if I can replace the drivers front seat covers, kick & rear under seat panels, matts etc and the odds and sods like the seatbelt hooks which are snapped, bloody annoying too :roll:
Yep, kinda gotta plan now. It ain't gonna be a show piece as I intend to use it as much as poss.
Agree with you and Noddy. When i got my bus i had loads of plans, change this, get these wheels etc.

Didn't do any of that in the end. Got it mehcanically sound and got the bodywork sound and in good shape, cleaned and left the rest, did some work on the original interior. I am so pleased i didn't 'go for it' as it were.

Take time out, use what you've got, then make a decision after you've used the van.

See Ant's thread above also, may help your decision.

Hi Al, yeah I'm gonna keep trying to find better OG secondhand to improve as and when I can find it.

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