whos up for splitting garage rent around herts??

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
The good old english weather is really starting to pee me off :evil: :evil:

Just can't seem to get them last few jobs done for the mot with the bloody rain and now snow :lol:

Probably no takers but anyone around Watford/st albans/ kings langley area wanna look at renting a garage/barn for at least 2 busses plus??

Worth a try and I will get my bus on the road this year!! :shock:
I live in Bushey but store my bus near brent cross m1 j1. Would be better to store in watford if you find a garage and wanna share the rent then let me know.

Herts council let single garages for 30 a month not sure of doubles or bigger

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