Cheers easy, almost to a mag standard like yours
so i popped down yet again this evening to try and attack the other side. this was always going to be the more finiky one with all of the patches. i needed to remove the patches to be able to get to the spot welds that hold the vertical part of the bulkhead to the seat mounting section. i also opted to keep the bpillar in place for now to make sure things dont sag. having said that, you'll soon see that there isnt really much of this to take any weight
so first task was to start marking out what i need to remove. i decided to use the same measurements that i had made for the other side. here is the marked out section:
as you can see this side is indeed alot worse than the N/S
i took the first patche off to find a good bit of metal... not really sure why this patch was even necessary then????
and look what i found...
...i hope this doesnt mean that i'm going to find some filler someway down the line. thats the last thing i need to add to my troubles
i didnt manage to cut it all out, but did manage to get this far...
...i've got most of the metal out below the line of the seat mount.
i've realised that the PO that carried out this work must have been born in the wrong era - modern art hadnt been invented way back when. Having said that, this is one artist that isnt going to be appreciated more when they are dead hehe.