i see how you feel jon. buses take up so much room when they are not in one peice. the other thing is when you get something looking good, it then takes up twice as much space as you have to wrap it up so it doesnt get damaged whilst waiting to go back on the bus. i cant wait to start getting bits of mine bolted onto the bus so i can get a better idea of the fiddly bits that need buying.
youve also got to factor in bastard time into the build. the days when a 10 minute job turns into some epic days worth :evil:
hope it all goes well. wish i'd gone for a bit of nos as opposed to tatty repro
The bus FINALLY made it back yesterday and all is well so far.
It needs a good clean as its been sitting in the work shop for a couple of weeks collecting dust waiting on a few last minute details that i picked up on when i went to look at it last.
Had to fit something and needed to be able to lock it up so NOS slider handel went on.
Took a couple of shots and jacked it up to take of the front wheels ready for some new rims and rubber. (This might seem like a job to soon but they where taking up loads of room and i wanted them sorted)
While i was round the front i tried the grill for size.
That was it for that day as i had to collect the daughter and do family stuff so no more time.
Keep an eye out for up dates.
Had a nightmare today with forgetting keys and then being messed around abit with the tyre fitter so i wasted about 2 hours just driving around. Anyway finally got to work on the bus and fitted some sound deadening stuff in the doors, panels and roof. I was always abit doutfull about this stuff but the doors now close with a reassuring thud rather than a tinny slam. Ive done a video to show the differance and will post that later. I only got the "ebays cheapest" and im happy with the results and without adding about 10 stone to the bus and spending a fortune covering every space in the stuff i dont think the more expensive stuff woudl be any better anyway.
Some piccys because i know what you lot are like.
It even went over the old waxoyl that i left in the front doors.
So fitted the new boots and the NOS cab door handels and had a sweep up abit in the back and that was time up for me.
Waxoly inside tomorrow hopefully and maybe fit afew shiney bits while it drys. Hopefully the head liner will be here after the weekend and ive got a little modification to pick up as well tomorrow but ill have to check if it lokks ok before sharing it with you lot.
See ya tomorrow.
A little up date. Yesterday was waxoyl day so not alot to report really although i fitted some new washer nozzels
Tried the rear valance for size and fitted the engine lid hinges. Is it just me or are those repo hinge seals **** or what. Wont be fitting them and now know why hardly anybodys got them on
Today was mainly pop top canvas and a few other odds and ends.
Turned out quite nicely i think, and thanks to Jon (faux) for the pm he sent with some very useful guidelines. Thanks for the fitting offer fella but it was quite a satisfiying job and was a good feeling to walk away from the barn actually being able to see what ive spent my time doing. 3 1/2 hours mate so not to bad for a first attempt.