Now Photobucket is working again I can catch up with where I am.
This post is a compilation of copy and paste's from my club forum.
Jul 31 2016
So, a slight problem with the bearings for the main end on the new engine build means that I've got to wait for new bearings to come in.
After freeing up some funds form selling stuff in the garage I bought the engine that Tom Smith has just taken out of the green body dropped Early Bay.
It came with a dynamo fitted and I was about to fit it and fudge the electrics temporarily but I decided to fit an alternator to it.
So, this morning I went out to swap the over. After removing the fan housing and the fuel pump I discovered another issue.
The oil under the fuel pump in the block was stinking of petrol.
I'm assuming it is the diaphragm in the fuel pump gone.
I've got a couple of options, I can either rob the fuel pump from the old engine, or, go ahead and fit the electric pump and regulator that I intend to use with the new, new engine......
Oct 8 2017
Fuel pump is mounted, relay and electrics sorted and in place.
Priming button mounted.
Heater tubes fitted, although I think I need to reword/remount my hot start relay.
Got the new throttle cable fitted too.
Just needs the engine putting in place now, 2 man job as it’s on a stand and I can’t lift the fecker off on my own. All in hand though go, hopefully this week!!!!
Oct 13 2017
Got these puppies wired up and working today.
Just need to check this works and wire it up and the dash/front end electrics will be sorted.
Oct 22 2017
So although I meant to get out there this morning Mrs C has arranged a double glazing bloke to come and talk to use as we want replace our scabby front door
I didn't get out there until 2pm, but the got the clutch sorted, the front tinware bolted up and then with a bit of a struggle I got the engine in the engine bay.
I need a hand to get the heater pipes lined up as well as the engine/gearbox.
Stefan is popping round Tuesday after work so that should be sorted then.
Just need to sort the fuel hose from the fuel pump to the carb, the throttle cable and the electrics.
Then it's on with the oil filler, the exhaust and the rear engine bar.
New oil pipes to be cut to length once I sort the route and whether or not the oil lines need protecting with exhaust wrap from the heat of the exhaust.
Hopefully I'll knock a hole in the jobs Tuesday night and then finish them off Friday afternoon and get it back down on its wheels.
This is where it currently sits.....
Oct 29 2017
Got the nearside exhaust wrapped this afternoon to help stop the oil lines getting too hot.
I'm wondering if I have put the fuel pump a little too close to the hat exchanger though. The bend on the fuel hose was a little too tight too I think.
I just need to mount this monster!! I'm thinking about possibly mounting to the chassis in front of the metal mud guard, although the guard will need trimming to allow access for the 'IN' hose and the pressure sensor.
May 23 2018!!!!
After a considerable hiatus from this I am now back on it!
Everything was going swimmingly until the onset of the cold weather and me dropping my bloody worklights.
This lead to the old girl living outside all winter, up on stands on the drive.
I have had to sort the garage as it was like a bloody hand grenade had been thrown in there!
So, we're back on it.
First off I painted the inner face of the stone guard that I'd had made up.
I then mounted the filter and attached the pressure sender. It's all bit clumsy but it'll do the job.
I am now waiting for some p-clips to arrive from ebay so I can route the oil lines to make sure they aren't flapping around like a dogs cock in a sock.
Once I'm happy with the route I'll cut the new lines to length and fit everything up.
As Shorty as pointed out the fuel line is close to the exchanger so I plan to sheath (snigger) the line after rotating the fuel pump a bit.
Then it's a case of finishing the worry gauge loom and wiring up the fuel pump feed. I've got some flexi trunking to run the electrics in, over on the right hand side of the engine bay to tidy it all up.
The fuel line behind the fan housing needs clipping in place, and the throttle linkage on the left hand carb needs swapping out for a left hand linkage as they are both currently fitted with a right hand set up.
Throttle cable guide then to go on, all bolts/nuts to be checked for tightness, charge the battery and fit up the rear tinware and we might, just might be ready to drive her off the drive for the first time in a year!