All, thanks for your support, unfortunately it has been quiet apart from my action.
I reported this to Action Fraud on the 8th April on the advice of Sussex Police as it was not brought in their area, therefore they could not take any action themselves. I wrote a 3 page statement to provide further background information.
Nothing for a few weeks so I chased but as Action Fraud is a national service desk ran on behalf of the City of London Police they could not give me any further details. I rang the DVLA to seek their guidance and highlight the fact I never received a v5c and all I got was told to fill out another form to register it.
So last week, still having heard nothing but finally receiving a v5c against the fraudulent vin I thought I would push further.
I sent, special delivery, two letters, one to DVLA and one to Cambridgeshire Police, responsible for the village where I bought the vehicle with a cover letter, the 3 page statement and photographic evidence as seen in this thread. I have proof the letters have been received by both but still no response back.
Who would have thought it would be so difficult, several family members are in the force, unfortunately different area and have said I just need to keep pushing but I find the lack of response hard to take.
I am still loath to dig under the false plate as it is potential evidence of recent tampering with the sole yellow covering so will wait until I get some action.
In the meantime I am compiling a list of stuff I want to do with the van against my better halves advice, she thinks I should stay detached from the van just in case. JK insurance have told me I am still covered so trying to enjoy it as much as possible driving around.
All the best, James