Alternator woodruff Key missing

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Mar 30, 2011
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Me again from Ypres. Ok. Cleaned earths today starting much better. But tried to tighten fan belt and noticed as I pulled the from pulley off the rear was coming away easily as well. The woodruff key is missing. How much of a problem is this. Can I improvise one. Cheers
Fairly significant as it allows the drive from the crank through the belt to the spin the alternator driving your electrics and more importantly the fan cooling your engine?
Has it fallen out whilst you have been working on it?
Is there a french equivalent to GSF there where you could pick one up?
Heritage have them in stock

Could you get one delivered to where you are staying? Or ring Roland maybe and see if he knows anyone local who could help?
Never rains but it pours. I tried to phone Roland. No answer. Have emailed him. Thinking when I could have lost this. May have fallen out before I left home.

Haven't noticed any over heating i.e. Dipstick not hot to touch etc. I realise Cooling is not going to be as efficient but it hopefully will get me back to uk.

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