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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
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I have been playing with 10.5 and its amazing, its so sad I get so excited but Time Machine ROCKS and so does spaces, what are your thoughts?
cant afford 10.5 yet (bloody van :lol: )

however i have heard great things, and i will be getting it very soon =D
well i highly recommend it, i did a fresh install and wow it fly's :D

I left it till i got my van sorted, gotta keep your priorities in order
oooooh, now you're talking. Mac's are seriously cool, wouldn't use anything else.

There is an Apple shop near to me at Bluewater. Spent far too much time in there........fantastically designed kit, all of it. I don't ever go in there with my credit card, very dangerous!
i look after about 60 MACs but i doubt if the company im contracted out too would roll it out unfortunately :cry:

yes its good and yes it does fly 8)
I work in the printing industry which in MAC based, however I'm sat typing on my laptop PC.
We have an old iMac G3... Still going strong - but could do with a new keyboard :)

Have mused with updating it for a newer one - but there always seems to be something VW getting in the way LOL!!!!
mcvw said:
but there always seems to be something VW getting in the way LOL!!!!

True.. i managed to get my G4 before the VW was rolled out of storage when i passed my test :D