anyone doing good discounts at the mo?

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lhu128l said:
Josh_JK said:
lhu128l said:
Yeah like I was born yesterday!!!

Didn't mean any offence or anything, just think you'd be really surprised how many people do mix the two up.

I wasn`t having a dig @ JK or you Josh it was a general comment

I know companies have to make a decent profit to reinvest etc etc . not sure what part suppliers mark up is but i would have thought if someone had 1200 quid to spunk on vw parts then for me 5-10% isn`t going to entice me in , sure for 30 quid you would be lucky to get free postage .

Times are hard and i think generaly most people want there monies worth .

again my 2 pennies worth .

Oh no worries, hadn't read it like that at all :)

Times a definitely hard for everyone, but we're just coming to the end of an absolutely massive review of our pricing which is has already started to take effect, which we hope will help people out!

Anyway, I hopefully Strongy got all the parts he wanted, and I'll be on to our purchasing team in a moment to find out why we don't stock the metal inserts he wanted ;)

Analog said:
i thought for a minute i was on VZI.


As stated previosuly on this thread VW Heritage offer a 5% Flat Rate Discount on EVERYTHING, with the only exception being if it is already cheaper by being in another offer.

We stock 14,000 plus parts and have access to a load more to. We are the only ones in the Uk with association with VW by being the provider for VW Classic Parts Centre.

Currently we are running our biggest ever sale with 1000's of items with a 10 to 50% discount.

If your after Interior trim we are doing a 15% off deal on ALL TMI interior items.

If your doing a large order you can contact me DIRECT. I can then work though your order checking all the parts are right for you and your van and also getting you the best possible price.

If you find a part cheaper elsewhere and it is off the same quality as the one we are selling we will price match too.

My email is: [email protected]

Can't say fairer than that ;)

All My Best

while most of the traders are watching this thread :mrgreen:

i dont supose you would be able to find the time next week to pop one of your washer jets in to a repro front pannel and see if the tabs snap of?
strongy said:
while most of the traders are watching this thread :mrgreen:

i dont supose you would be able to find the time next week to pop one of your washer jets in to a repro front pannel and see if the tabs snap of?

Just been down and stuck one in and it got wedged I couldn't get it out or break it to get it out :lol: Someone is going to buy a front panel and get a free washer jet included :lol:
Analog said:
lhu128l said:
5-10% is nothing compared to the massive proffits these guys make

fire3500 said:
I guess that any company that values positive forum feedback and repeat / referral business is going to have the foresight to offer an incentive.

so if they didn't offer any discount or had factored in stuff already like free delivery.. as i'm sure and know big orders like that can cost a fair amount to ship/pack have already saved you a fair bit, but you would give them a bad name if they hadn't offered a discount on the actual goods to you?

i thought for a minute i was on VZI.

No, not at all... not every company values forum feedback or cares to offer a discount. That's their prerogative. Mine is to ask for a discount, and I always make it clear that as I'm active on a few forums I'll take the time to mention them favourably. That's an equitable trade-off, as I get a discount on my prices (which inevitably means I spend the same or greater amount in totality with that supplier as I'll feel inclined to offer them repeat business), and they get some grassroots advertising. If they give me a 10% discount on a £1,000 order then their "investment" of "£100" will get them repeat business from me and might bring in additional orders that would have gone to a competitor based upon favourable word-of-mouth or forum-based referrals.

Shades of grey, my friend...

I wouldn't give a supplier a bad name if they refused me discount. That would be tantamount to blackmail and bad karma all round.

Example 1: I big up M7 every chance I get, I've never asked for and they've never given me a penny of discount (bastards :lol: ), but I know that when I need that part the next day, and I need it to be of useable quality and correct, then I can depend on Michael and his team to deliver time after time. Not only that but I tend to spend £50 or £100 with them, not £1,000 a pop. I try to make my order up to achieve the free shipping and I value the service. When a window mech was of crap quality last year they stepped right up and took care of it with a refund and free return of the parts. I'm a very happy M7 customer and I want them to remain in business, I try to get my friends to use them too.

Example 2: I use VW Heritage when I can't get the part from M7. We get a club discount from VW Heritage and if I'm ordering late at night then I order online and forego that for convenience. If I'm ordering from them by day then I'll call on the phone and enjoy the discount... I am happy with this arrangement.

I hope that adds a little more colour to my comments? I don't think it's unreasonable to expect discount from a supplier when spending a large amount... the relationship for a business between revenue and gross profit isn't always very straightforward, as things like shipping are a factor, also things like how much effort it is to get the parts from an alternative supplier and my own judgement on what the parts are worth.

Fully embrace that your mileage may vary, but please don't categorise my comment as being ill-considered or poorly thought through.

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