Anyone seen or heard from Justin & Mutley recently?

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Hi Easy - no problem, I make you right in fact. I checked how many non-VW threads there were and it was just the one!

Maybe I'm remembering how things were back in the spring when I started to feel that the board was a bit dull. But then I don't find myself on here for ages like I used to be and there could be many reasons for that. However I am still 'around' as is sk and J&M too... we're all just posting far less than we used to.
I dont think there is a need for a seperate chat section, it isnt that busy overall, and there is plenty of EB stauff to keep a healthy balance. I think all VW forums are now in a bit of a cycle to an extent, theyve been around for a few years and the topics are recycled as new members come along and replace those that have moved on .... the old timers who remain see repetition, but that cant be helped I guess?
Ive been on the forums for 8+ years now and see many threads return in an annual cycle, I like the consistancy! :lol:

Keep the input and suggestions coming though, noone has the 'right' answer or a monopoly on good ideas. :)
scott wilson said:
sometimes sit here all google eyed and just post stuff for the hell of it to see what other forum users think about stuff...getting to know people and all that....point taken about non earlybay stuff though i`ll try to refrain :oops:

Be sad if we had to refrain from the odd non Earlybay related topic, of the two topics Scott posted that were non VW one had 32 replies and the other had 60 :shock:
wibbler said:
scott wilson said:
sometimes sit here all google eyed and just post stuff for the hell of it to see what other forum users think about stuff...getting to know people and all that....point taken about non earlybay stuff though i`ll try to refrain :oops:

Be sad if we had to refrain from the odd non Earlybay related topic, of the two topics Scott posted that were non VW one had 32 replies and the other had 60 :shock:

re the non EB threads, its nice to discover some of us have similar tastes, ie music etc, which was a populare recent non EB thread
Sounds like its all good the way it is to me :wink:

Now lets get them bays fixed and sorted over the winter for 2009 to be an even bigger year for the earlybay! 8)
I must say I do enjoy the calmness of the EB forum! Most posts are informative and some good pics and resto's. Sometimes off-topic posts can become a bit too much and recently the admin of Aircooledvwsa had to lock one section (Seat covers) because one member flooded it with about 28 posts in one day. There is however room for off-topic discussion and this one went platinum in no time :twisted: .
I may have sold my EB, but i still pop-by to see whats going down. I like this site alot and it feels weird now, almost like an outlaw to come on here being a split owner :? But i hope you guys wont hold that against me :? I'm still a big fan of EB's 8)
dubberdaz said:
I may have sold my EB, but i still pop-by to see whats going down. I like this site alot and it feels weird now, almost like an outlaw to come on here being a split owner :? But i hope you guys wont hold that against me :? I'm still a big fan of EB's 8)

Course not dude, especially when you sell the split and come back to the ways of the bay :wink:

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